Chapter 32 ~ Tell Me You Love Me ~

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A few hours later the house is quiet, the lights are off and I lay awake in my bed worried about colin and his condition. why hasn't anyone given me an update. I replay it over and over until my eyes close shut.

"Luci" I feel a warm hand on my face "hey" now my shoulders "Luci its colin" am I dreaming this right now I can hear colins voice in my head. "I'm doing fine Luci please don't worry about me".

By the time my brain deciphered if it was reality or just a dream my eyes open and I see my bedroom door close. Was he in here talking to me? I need to see him I have to I can't just sit around.

I jump out of bed and go to his room. He looks peaceful there are no medical equipment in the room which is a good sign, I guess. I open the sheets slowly and slide into the bed with him, our backs to each other. He turns around and wraps an arm over my waist and pulls me into him.

His face nestled under my ear I hear him whisper, "I didn't think you heard me but I'm glad you came, I know you were worried but I am ok". I turn to face him, "they didn't let me near you". "I know I asked them not to, I'm ok you have a lot going on already we can talk about it another time, goodnight". We both fell asleep instantly.

"What the hell is going on here". we jump from our sleep and sit up in bed, my dad is standing at the door with his hands on his hips.

"Sir it's not what it looks like." my dad burst out laughing,

"I'm only joking, I know nothing is going on. its midday though, I thought it would be a great way to wake you guys up" we look at each other scratching our heads.

"Get going Luci I need to do some checkups and you guys can chat all you want". I jump out of the bed and go get ready for the day.

"Luci are you ready to head down for breakfast?" Colin knocks at my door, "coming".

We walk down and have our breakfast with my parents. "isn't this wonderful my mum says having a full table, haven't had this in a long time".

"Anyway, mum we need to organise food for Christmas get any presents you know last minute stuff"

"Yes, I will have everything under control you just worry about yourself".

It's another warm day and I head down to the beach, mum and dad joins me. it's been great being surrounded by family and friends, and in a few days my house will be full of love and cheer as we all celebrate Christmas.

"Luci, I think you need to go inside, your about to turn red".

"Fine I guess I don't want to be the lobster for Christmas." i turn on the shower and let the water fall through my hair down my face and body, I have music playing in the background. I move my hands up and down my body closing my eyes while thinking about how good it felt when Aiden made me come.

I rub my hands on my bud imagining his tongue moving back and forth, I insert 2 fingers and move them up and down making myself moan from the pleasure. I moved faster and faster feeling my insides tighten I'm about to come. "Luci, GIRL!" I pull my hands out and finish my shower. damned Grace.

"Hey grace, in the shower won't be long" my bathroom door flies open

"Oh yes getting some action"

"grace" I laugh.

I wrap the towel around my body and we go into my closet, I get changed while grace raves on about signing a new author.

"Are you excited Christmas is a few days away?"

"Yeah, I am actually, spending it with family and new friends what more could I ask for" grace looks at me and smiles.

"I won't give you any work this week I know you will be busy setting up".

"Oh, no please send me what you have, I have caught up with everything so I would like to work, besides mum said she has it all covered, the cooking, the invites everything" grace nods, grabs her phone and sends a few more books to my emails, "have fun see you in a few days".

I grab my phone as I walk out into the lounge room, I see a message (If you want answers they are at the cave) I take a throw just in case I need something to keep me warm and I run out of the house.

"Be back soon" my parents watching me as I run past them up the beach. I get to the cave not knowing what to expect or find, there was no instructions. I didn't think this through I don't even know the number who sent me the message.

My phone goes off again (tell me you love me).

what to a phone, who am I supposed to say I love you too and what if someone walks past and sees me talking to myself, they will think I'm crazy.

Here goes nothing "I love you" I look around and nothing is happening. I get another message (LIKE YOU MEAN IT) this is getting weird now, the sun is going down and I feel like I am going around in circles. I ignore the message and go back home.

I grab my dinner and go to my room, I needed to be alone. I place my plate on my dressing table, as I turn around Aiden was in my face. I jump "oh god Aiden stop doing that".


"Please don't make it a habit, to climb into to my room uninvited".

"I won't". there is something up with Aiden and I don't know what it is his replies are short.

"Everything ok Aiden you're not real talkative today" he shrugs his shoulder and nods.

"I have something to tell you and I don't know why your friend didn't tell you many years ago".

I'm starting to worry I don't know what he is about to say but it doesn't sound good by the tone in his voice.

"Years ago, when Mia set you up on a blind date, my mouth dropped open. I lift my hands to cover my mouth "it was me who ghosted you".

I stepped backwards stumbling to the floor, Aiden reaches out his hand to lift me up, instead I crawled to my door, threw on a jumper ran out of the house to the cave.

I don't know why I am back here but I felt like this was a spot I would have used to get away from anything that was hard to deal with. I can hear Aiden running after me not saying anything.

"WHY!! I say while crying "why are you telling me this now, why did you ditch me, why is this all happening to me, I just want to remember so it wouldn't be so difficult to live everyday new". I fall to me knees sobbing in my hands, Aiden wraps his arms around me holding me tight.

I push him away "why Aiden? Was I not good enough for you?"

"It wasn't that".

"Then why".

"Because I couldn't bear to look at you after so long, you are more beautiful than ever and I was a guy who played with women, I wasn't serious about relationships and I didn't want to drag you into that."

after so long what does he mean? "Hang on, I only met you this year, that blind date was before the accident what is going on?" his words made no sense.

He pulls me up to my feet "I will tell you but you need to tell me" My eyes widen, Aiden was the one messaging me he was the one giving me hints.

"Tell me you love me"

I can't, I don't love him, I don't know him well enough to love him. "I can't say I love you to a stranger I'm sorry, but I need to feel something to love someone".

He drops his head and his arms, then takes a step back "I tried" and he walked away. I followed him home and went to sleep till the next morning.

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