Chapter 17 ~Two Weeks Notice~

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The weekend flew by and before I knew it, I was driving back to the city to be ready for another week of work. It's been a week since the incident with Aiden I am dreading going into the office in case he shows up. What would I say, what will he do would we just ignore each other and pretend that we don't exist?

I've arrived to the office early and start on today's work. It looks like someone has printed the transcripts ready for me to read for the day. I open my laptop and go through my daily routine check emails, get a tea and start to read.

today I closed the blinds to my office, I needed some space. I kept looking out the glass wall constantly checking if he would walk past. This was distracting me, and I was falling behind on my work.

My day was dragging, its only 11am and I'm only half way through my first script, my thoughts aren't clear and I can't focus on what I am reading. I put it beside me and throw my head into my hands taking in a deep breath.

"Luci? Oh, hey you ok" grace asked from my office door. "Hey, yeah sorry eyes not focusing today, what's up?". "How was your weekend did you do anything fun? I saw that you got the work done thanks for that".

"It was good, refreshing and I met someone". Grace looked at me smiled and hopped out of my office back to hers. I grab my phone and call my mum but she doesn't answer, I left her a message then went down to get lunch.

I wasn't really hungry, I was more nauseous than anything. so, I decided to have a simple salad with ice tea. I take my lunch back up to my office close my door and eat in silence.

Lina our receptionist knocks on my door." Your mum's on line 1". I look up and acknowledge her. "thanks". I pick up the phone and answer the line. "Hello mum". "Hey honey returning your call how are things going" my mum has a soft way of speaking it's comforting.

"I'm good, I've been spending time at the beach house, I met a guy named Colin he does the maintenance on the house his really nice. Why didn't you tell me that someone occupies the house, I arrived there and got the shock of my life"? My mum is quiet all I can hear is heavy breathing in the distance, "Mum are you there"? It's still silent, "hello". "Yes, sorry I'm here sorry I was listening to your father, he distracted me with a question."

It was rare that my mum would get distracted when on a call with someone, she had practice from all the hours she talks to her yoga buddy on the phone.

"Oh Luci, the real estate called me, they have been trying to get in contact with you about your apartment, they are selling the block and it looks like it will be knocked down".

Great just what I need where am I going to live now with not much notice to find another apartment. "Thanks mum I got to go".

I walk over to grace's office, she not there I leave a note and rush out of the office. I arrive to my apartment a notice hanging on my door. A letter from the landlord advising of the building being knocked down in 2 weeks.

What am I going to do? where am I going to live? I start to panic my breathing quickens my hands shake and I look frantically for a bag or for something that will help me calm down? "LUCI!" a loud pound sounds at my door "Luci?" I manage to get to the door, I see grace her face pale.

(Children playing in the background) Kids its dinner time. "Mmmm dinner looks yum" "Luci don't touch that go wash up" "alright" and a young Luci goes and cleans her hands. It was dinner at the beach house the neighbors are over the children seated for dinner. Luci sits next to her best friend. "Mia what are we going to watch tonight?" "Sleepover of course" a young Mia said with a huge smile on her face and the two girl's giggle. "What are you two giggling about" they both stopped and went quiet, "tonight's movie for movie night that's only for girls" young Mia said sticking her tongue out to the boys.

After dinner the parents went next door and the children stayed home, the boys decided to stay and sit through the movie even though it doesn't interest them. Mia and Luci snuggle close on the sofa while the others scattered all over the room. Half way through the movie I was alone, Mia sat with one of the boys and I was there looking over at everyone who had someone besides-

"Luci, wake up, earth to Luci wake up I need you" My body jumps and I'm coughing my lungs up from the huge splash of water that was just thrown at my face by grace. "Oh, thank god you're alive" grace grabbed my arm and slowly walked me to the sofa.

"I fainted, didn't I?" she nodded and gave me a reassuring hug. "I got your message so I got here as quick as I can to see if there is anything I can do". grace is so kind but I couldn't ask more of her, she gave me a job.

"I know I'm your boss but I am also your friend remember, we knew each other before you got the job". I look up at her and sigh. "it's been almost 3 months with you and 4 months since moving here and I am already having to look for a place to live, I don't know what else could happen to me this year.

I won't have enough time to find another place ill have no were to go in the meantime, I have 2 weeks to find a place and move all my stuff there what kind of landlord does this to people?"

"I was going to wait to tell you and do this formally but you won't be in the office until you're in a home" I'm confused at her words, is she going to fire me did I take too much time off or not done enough work.

"We are impressed with the amount of work you get done, you have been the best decision and asset to the company, we have some of the most popular books selling because of you.

We want to keep you on but we would like to also offer you a better position. But I won't go through that right now we need to deal with your living situation". I am speechless and don't know what to say, but I needed to think of my next move before getting excited over a job opportunity.

"I have one place to go" I look over to grace "I don't know if you will let me, it's a huge ask and it may come with its challenges, I have a beach house its 2 hours from here, this means that getting to the office will be difficult and I would be asking if I could work from there.

All my work will be done as normal. And if I'm needed in the office then I'll make the trip down and sleep in my car if I have to". "NO, you won't be sleeping in your car, you will stay with me and this is a great idea, I've been wanting to trial this for a while now, remote work. You can do that for me. This is great I love it" grace jumps up on her feet happy.

It's late and grace has left, I have a shower and lay in bed, I open my book and go through the chapters. There was something about a sleepover, I am sure.

I flick through the pages trying to find a reference to a sleepover. I come across, ALONE, a chapter at the start of the book.

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