Chapter 22 ~Mum, Meet Colin~

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The ringing of my phone wakes me from my sleep its 7am and its grace, "hey sorry I have been busy, I got a message from Lina I have so much work lined up for you, I will send it across today this will keep you busy for a few days".

Finally, some work. Grace's work did keep me busy it took me a week to finish most of the readings and I still had a few more left.

I sit on the floor in the lounge room and rummage through the photos again, there has to be something in here but I keep finding the same things photos, keep sake nothing that was able to trigger a memory. Until I see the words again "Light me up" there is a photo of us all in the cave under the writing.

I was in the middle of reading when I felt myself falling asleep. The next morning, I woke up in my bed. I don't remember ever getting up and going to bed. I get up, change and cautiously move around the house to make sure someone isn't here. its quiet, nothing stolen and my doors locked.

I make breakfast, and work down stairs, I worked most of the morning and took the rest of the afternoon to myself.

I walk across to Aiden's house to see if he was home, as I approached the glass doors, I see him on the sofa shirtless, I knock on the door and walk in he looks at me and jumps up

"I wanted to apologies for the other week I was out of line, it's your life your house" he looks at me saying nothing. I turn around and go back home.

The doorbell sounds and I look through the peephole, OMG its mum.

"Mum what are you doing here? this is such a surprise".

"I thought you might need me you have been trying to call and it's just been bad timing so I thought I'd spend some time with you to make up for it".

this was perfect I had so much to tell her and show her.

"I'm so glad you're here mum I have a lot to talk about and want to ask you. I've had a few memories since being here and its great but confusing, but let's get you settled first". I take mum to the spare room and put her bags down on the bed.

"When you're ready come down and we can start some lunch".

I ran down the stairs like a little girl excited to play outside, I start on lunch when I get a surprise visit from Colin,

"Hey what are you doing here today, did you forget something?".

"Was in the area thought I'd drop past".

"Well perfect timing I've started lunch and my mum is here I'd like you to meet her".

Colins face went white as a ghost, I look at him then around the room. My mum stood still her body like a statue they were both looking at each other not one saying a word.

What the hell is going on, why are they both frozen and not talking, what am I missing.

"Umm can someone explain what is going on here? why are you both silent say something. MUM...... Colin?"

I turn to them both expecting an answer. I am so confused right now does mum know who Colin is, she should, shouldn't she? If she knew the old maintenance worker which is his dad, she should know him.

Colin turns around to run out the door I grab his jumper and pull him back inside, I close the door behind him and sit him down.

"Get over here now mum sit down"

I yell at her and run to check on lunch as I can smell something burning. They sit at opposite sides of the table both with their heads down.

They are acting like children instead of adults and it getting on my nerve.

"NOW, what the hell is going on with you too I need answers, if you too know something that can help me then start talking".

My mum looks over to me her mouth opens like she is going to say something then it closes again, she sighs, my mum is lost for words for once.

Colin leans over and says "I'm sorry Luci", what can he be sorry about? I am so lost right now I do not understand all these code words.

"TALK" I yell at them making them jump a little from their chairs.

"Luci Colin has been in the family for many years, you were young children when our families met" I look at Colin he nods his head agreeing with my mum. Why didn't he tell me when we met?

I went to the book shelf and grabbed the photo, placed it in front of both of them and they point to Colin in the picture. I feel the blood rush from my face.

"Who are the rest then?" I ask them both. My mum looks at me as she points out each child that is Mia, Isaac/Noah, Lily, Colin You and Elliot. Lily and Elliot huh?

"Is there more to the story?" I look at them both, their heads down, "no" both of them say and look at me briefly. I take the picture back and put in on the fridge, "well I guess there is nothing more for today, that answers one question I guess".

"I know I shouldn't be mad at you and I'm trying hard not to get angry, but don't you think that this could be a part of my life that I should have been told about?"

she places both hand on the sink and her head sinks into her shoulders "Yes, this beach house has many great memories but I wanted you to make new memories and experience it with a different view".

I look at her my eyes starting to water "and what, have no memory of Mia and the fun we had together, no I don't need new ones at the moment I need to remember the old ones to make new". I find myself sobbing, I run upstairs and spend the night crying in my pillow.

I have finished my work and its 4pm I've missed breakfast, lunch and will miss dinner. I am still in no mood to deal with my mother.

"Luci Hun, you haven't eaten all day please come have some food". My mum says through my bedroom door.

"Go away please I'm not hungry" and I continue to replay her words in my head

"Colin has been in the family for many years, you were young children when our families met".

Why didn't he tell me, I would have taken it ok, if he told me, would i? i was determined to ask him when I see him on Friday.



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