Chapter 26 ~Colin~

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("What a great night for a bonfire hey,"

" Yeah, it's beautiful, were is Noah".

"Oh, his off with the boys at the moment."

"I thought you two were inseparable."

"Oh, we are but I need some time with my girl and find out what the hell is happening with you and Elliot."

"As you can see, nothing, he is clearly over there flirting with other girls so we are basically friends like all of us".

"Yeah right, I see the way he looks at you."

"Please Mia let's not go there".

" Hey babe come over here", Mia left me for her lover boy I'm sitting alone near the fire looking into the water.

"Hey girl you need company".

"No thanks I don't know who you are an I prefer it like that, thanks".

I get up and walk towards the water, I can feel Elliot watching me but he has his arms around another girl. I suddenly feel someone slap my arse, as I turn around to see they kiss me. I push myself away from him and close my fingers into a fist, I swing my arm ready to hit him but he was already knocked to the floor.

"Wtf Elliot!" He screams. "She told you no now fuck off". His breathing is heavy he looks directly at me he places his hands on my heart,

"I will always protect you even when you can protect yourself". It was at that moment my stomach filled with butterflies. Feelings for a boy who showed no interest, the boy who I grew up with summer after summer, I grabbed his hand and removed it of my chest "well your girlfriend looks a little jealous you better go back to her" and I walk away.)

"How is she"? I hear a woman's voice,

"Omg Luci I am so sorry. I thought you would be ok I should have told you by yourself,".

"Luci, please wake up its grace" and I feel her arms wrap my body. "Aiden get her to my house now and lay her on the bed in the spare room. I will get the team to finish up and come home". I feel like I am floating my heart beating, I feel butterflies in my stomach.

I'm starting to feel better, and regained consciousness. I wake up to new surroundings, where am I? I look around the room its unfamiliar. I hear a knock on the door and Colin enters, he places water on the side table and sit next to me.

"How are you feeling?" I look at him and hug him I'm holding so tight that I end up in tears. "Shh its ok Luci come on, I'm glad you're ok".

"Colin, I had a memory the bonfire you talked about when you met your true love, I was there we all were.". Colin looked at me shocked and tense

"All? What do you mean all"?

"Me, Mia and Noah also you" he took a breath and tried to relaxed.

I burrowed my eyebrows in question to his weird behavior but the sound of grace coming through the door distracted me. "OMG YOUR OK" She's crying, her face red and make up running from her eyes.

Colin put his head down and turns, he got up and walked out of the room. "He is a little weird that guys who is that" grace questioned while hugging me so tight that I'm losing circulation in my arms. "Grace let go my arms are going numb" she giggles and apologizes.

I sit up and look at her "that's Colin he maintains the beach house every week, my mum knew who he was and she knew his farther as well". Grace stood to her feet so fast my eyes couldn't keep up.

"Colin, you said?"

"Yes, that's what I said". She opens the door and shuts it again.

"Omg, omg what the hell" I jump from the bed

"Grace what's wrong?".

"Omg its him".

I have no idea what she is saying but now she is rocking back and forth hitting the wall with her back. "it's him, omg it's really him", Aiden comes running in and looks at grace.

"What happened?"

"I don't know I told her that Colin is here, she questioned who he was and now she is saying something and rocking".

"Fuck!" he shouted and colin came running in.

"Get the hell out of here".

"No, I'm not leaving".

"This isn't about you leave".

"No, no more of this she needs to know Aiden".

The boys are bickering back and forth my blood is starting to boil I'm getting angry and I've never seen grace like this.


They stopped at looked at each other, I ran to the bathroom and vomited, I feel so sick this is all too much for me. I clean myself up, pick up grace from the floor and tuck her into bed. "Look after your sister" I say to Aiden while pointing my finger in his direction.

"I want to go home NOW Colin" and I grab my stuff and walk to car. On the drive home we stayed silent, colin look straight ahead and I turned my head looking out the window until we arrived home.

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