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Jungkook would swore that he had never rushed so fast in his entire life. Beads of sweat were threading on his hair as he climbed the stairs that lead them to the palace . The Alpha could practically hear his heartbeats . His Alpha was restless, wanting nothing more than being with their omega at this crucial moment.

The bond that he shared with the omega signaled his that the omega was in distress and Jungkook climbed three stairs at a time, stumbling couple of times but not backing down just yet. He was out of the breathby the time he reached at the top of the stairs.

" Calm down, you will hurt yourself!" Hoseok shouted at the younger Alpha but was shoved aside . The older Alpha was standing by the entrance door. " Yah!" Hoseok shouted after Jungkook. The older Alpha winced as he clutched his shoulder were Jungkook had bumped him.

Jungkook rushed in the palace, the servants bowed at him. Some were smiling as they were excited for the life that would be born soon whereas some were worriedabout their princes. He rushed past them and towards his bedroom. All the time he prayed for the health of his mate and their pup. He still had flashbacks of what had happened years ago.

" Where is he?" Jungkook asked as he reached in front of his room. There stood, Taehyung , Jennie, Jisoo as well as his father.

Taehyung was pacing the passage while Hoseok stood beside the door. Their omegas were sitting when Jungkook rushed towards them.

" He has been in the room for past half an hour." It was jisoo who said it. " You should go in." She Said as she placed her hand on his shoulder while giving him encouraging smile . Jungkook nodded and just then the door of the room flung open and each one of them tried to peek in the room but was stopped by the queen. Taehyung rushed towards the door , eyes wide as he tried to look past his mother. Their mother shove them away with a frown on her face as sge refrained herself from scolding a fully grown wolves.

" What took you so long?" His mother asked, voice loud and before Jungkook could even react he felt a hand fist his shirt and he was pulled in the room by the collar of his shirt and the door was shut in the face of Taehyung who was still trying to look in the room.

" ouch!"

" When will the pup be born!" Hoseok whined and placed his ear flat on the door, Taehyung followed suit.


Jungkook felt as if there was no sufficient amount of air in the room. The room was filled with distress scent of the omega. Few things were out of place, thrown on the floor were the pillows which Jimin had demanded previously. The bedsheet was mess, it was clear that the omega was tossing and turning a lot. The healer was by the side of the bed while his mother rushed to hold hands with his husband. Jungkook was frozen in his placed.

His eyes landed on the omega who had his eyes close, tears spilling down his cheeks. His lower lip was wobbling too. The Omega was holding on his swollen belly . Sweat was dripping off his face and his dress gown was sticking to his lithe body. The baby bump huge and was standing out the most.

Jungkook stayed frozen on his spot, his mind still processing that the pup was finally coming to this world. He can't wait to meet his precious pup for whom he had immense amount of love.

" A-Alpha..." a low whimper made Jungkook to break out of his trance. The Alpha looked up and his eyes met with the tear filled blue eyes that belonged to his mate. Jimin was looking at him with distress in his eyes and Jungkook walked towards jimin in two long strides. He could feel his wolf clawing at his chest asking to somehow lessen the pain for their darling mate.

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