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Jimin's back was pressed firmly against the alpha's chest. Jungkook was holding the omega by his waist.

The omega's body was burning up and jungkook don't know what to do about it.

It was hard see his mate surfer ,the Alpha's wolf was howling in displeasure.

The snow was getting thicker by each passing minute and so the harshness of the breeze.

Junkkook made sure that the omega was covered thoroughly . He even scented his wrist to give the omega somewhat relief.

Jimin was sleeping, thanks to the medicine he had earlier.

They still have long way to go ,they can't choose to take a rest. If not less than four days they reach their destination, the consequences would be hard.

As much as Jungkook want the omega to rest , he know that they cant't afford it right now.

They took the break at night. This place wasn't protected by any tall tree ,instead it was just a plain ground covered with thick layer of snow.

Jungkook scooped they omega in his arms ,glad that the fever has finally subdued. The omega was still sleeping ,his face covered with the thick hood of the cloak.

Unlike yesterday, Jungkook didn't help the other Alpha's to set up the tent , instead he sat on the ground with his omega in his arms.

He saw Taehyung who was helping others, wriggle his eyebrows at him making the younger to frown.

Taehyung, a friendly Alpha. He is good at making friends unlike Jungkook who always found it hard to even say hello to anyone he didn't knew.

The older alpha was undoubtedly weird too, he and his tactics were out of anyone's imagination.

Jungkook never consider Taehyung as his older brother , instead he was more like a best friend to him.

The said Alpha was Happily mated to a princess of Kim Kingdom and Jungkook was surprised at how kind hearted she really is.

" Master." a beta called and Jungkook looked up at him." Your Tent is ready."
 he said and Jungkook , Silently dismissing him.

Jungkook got up and made his way towards the tent. Jimin stirred a little and the Alpha knew that he is about to wake up.

The tent was exactly the same from the last night. They had nothing in here except Furs placed on the ground in place of his usually soft mattress.

Jungkook gently placed the omega on the ground ,shielding his tiny body with a thick blanket.

Jungkook made his way outside of the tent to get some water, he was sure that the omega would be thirsty when he wake up.

Few moments later, the Alpha came back with a jug of water and saw Blue eyes piercing at him.

" So you are awake? How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked with a soft smile and placed a jug on the floor beside the omega who just looked at the alpha with blank gaze.

"I would lot better if I don't have to see your face." JImin said with so much venom that jumgkook was taken aback.

" Too bad that you have to see my face daily." Jungkook said as he sat down beside the omega." Dinner would be served soon, after that you can eat your medicince." The alpha said ,staring at the omega.

" You don't get to rule me Alpha. I am not your plaything." Jimin said with death glare at the alpha.

Jungkook wasn't saint either.He tried to be friendly with this omega, Did everything to make him feel at home and yet for some unknown reason, the omega continued to him.

" I don't understand your problem . I am not ordering you, omega.I am just tellin you what is good for your health." Junkook replied, his voice tight as if trying really hard to not snap at the younger.

"That's how it is . First you guys talk sweetly and then expect us to be you puppet ,but guess what? I am not going to give you that satisfaction . I am not yours for you to order me around." Jimin almost shouted but his throat was dry due to fever.

Jungkook frowned at him. He really doesn't understand why the omega is behaving like this and the omega is stubborn enough to not actually let the Alpha know him better.

"Guess what Omega? I am your husband and I am your mate so Indirectly you are mine." With that said the Alpha left the tent.

"Trouble in paradise?" Taehyung asked as he watched his brother walking towards him with an angry expression.

"It was never paradise to begin with." Jungkook shrugged as he began to light fire at interval distance.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked ,not looking at his brother and kept doing the assigned work.

"No matter how hard I try to Impress him ,he starts to say hateful word at me as soon as he sees me." Jungkook almost whined making the older chuckle.

"Park's weren't ideal types of Alpha's . They are much different than us and treats their omegas with much less respect . Jimin is grown in that environment , Give him some time." Taehyung patted the younger's back.


I have brought the dinner." Jungkook said again softly as he eyed the omega who was busy reading the book.

" Haven't I made myself clear that I don't want to see your face?" Jimin spatted from his position.

"I thing I haven't made myself clear that I don't like being disrespected." Jungkook replied with stern voice.

"What have you done that should make me give you respect?" the omega asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Have you even gave me any chance to do something for you?" Jungkook replied , cocking his eyebrow too.

"You lost that chance as soon as you decided to marry me!" Jimin shouted and Jungkook can't hold his anger either.

"let me make myself clear ,Jimin. Just like you ,I wasn't ready for this marriage, just like you I haven't seen you before arriving at the Park Kingdom.But unlike you ,I am not mopping About it!" Jungkook voice was sharp and Jimin shivered at how deep the Alpha's voice was.

"Excuse me but you are not the one leaving behind your family behind and set off to completely unknown place!" Jimin said,voice holding rage but his eyes was holding the tears. Jungkook's eyes soften at that.

"That's why I am trying to making you feel at home but you are not even leyying me try." Jungkook said , voice gentle this time.

"All Alpha's are same." Jimin said with a low voice.

"I can prove you that I am different." Jungkook said as he finally sat on the floor placing the two bowls down.

"Why did you agreed to marry me?" Jimin suddenly asked ,his eyes shinning under the light illuminating by the fire lamp.

Jungkook was once again taken aback.

"Because Appa wanted me to marry you."

"Why didn't you deny the proposal?"

"I don't wanna go against Appa's words."

jimin scoffed as he held the book he was holding close to his chest.

"That's the thing. You had choice Whereas me had none."

With that said Jimin laid on the floor ,pulling ablanket on his body,Completely ignoring the Alpha as well as the food.


Word count ; 1214

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