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Asshole. Fucking stupid. Extremely idiotic idiot.

No , it wasn't Jimin who was cursing the stupid Alpha but infact it was the Alpha himself who was cursing his own stupidity.

Just because of his ego , he left Jimin who was practically under his control, under his mercy, begging for him.

And now here he is, jerking off in the security of his bathroom, just because of his ego or stupidity.

He poured few jugs of water on himself, letting himself cool down a little as he swipe his fingers through his short brown hair.

Oh, how much he is regretting it!

After he is done, he stepped out of the bathroom and saw that Jimin was already sleeping, his back facing him. The aggression pheromones that the Omega was emitting was high in the air and Jungkook knew that the Omega wasn't actually sleeping.

Wordlessly, he laid on the bed and tried to sleep. The pheromones were all around the room making Jungkook regret everything.


" Can you teach me swordship?" Jimin asked as he fidgeted with his fingers, clearly not used to making request.

Taehyung on the other hand was finding it cute . Jimin had never had a conversation with him directly and today he came up to him himself.

It is early in the morning and Jimin set off to find Taehyung because he found him a little friendly than the others. Ofcourse, Hoseok is good too but Jimin wasn't much familiar with him.

" Actually, teaching you to use sword is something I can't do. " He said with a apologetic smile. He saw that the Younger's face fall instantly. " You could ask Jungkoo-"

" No!" Jimin nearly shouted but regretted it immediately when Taehyung raised his eyebrows at him ." I don't want him to teach me." He said truthfully, Taehyung just chuckled.

" You guys are in argument?" Taehyung asked with an amused smile.

Well, now Jimin can't go around saying that he is upset because Jungkook refused to fuck him, Can he? That he left him all needy the night before?

" Yeah. . . Something like that." Jimin muttered, cheeks flaring red.

" Well, Jackson can teach you. " Taehyung said casually. " He is a beta and a good beta at that, so don't worry."

A smile instantly kissed the Younger's face at that. He don't want to be around the Alphas and betas were usually well mannered as they aren't attracted with the pheromones.

" That would be great Taehyung-ssi " Jimin muttered as he bowed down to the elder .

" Call me Hyung, jimin-ah. We are family after all." The Alpha said with a soft smile that made Jimin smile as well.

They bid their goodbyes and parted their way. Jimin walked towards the teaching chambers, excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because he had always wanted to learn sword and nervous because he had never been taught before, what if he makes mistakes? What if he made a joke out of himself?

Weird theories began to swim in his mind but Jimin ignored them all because:

1) he had always wanted to step out of his comfort zone.

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