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Jimin groaned as the cold wind made its way towards him, breaking him out of his sleep. Jimin groaned and pulled duvet on his body but the duvet is cold too.

This was one of those night when the couple would be so tried that they instantly fall asleep without doing their night routine which usually consist of them getting sweaty and extremely dirty. Yes, they are insatiable.

Its has been more than a month that the couple have started training the omega and now they easily get tired.

They both have slept cuddled with eachother, with Jimin resting his head on the Alpha's arm while Jungkook hugged him close to his chest.

During this course of night, they have somehow managed to separate from each other and Jimin doesn't like it.

He grab Jungkook's arm and placed it on his waist, perfectly caging himself in the Alpha's arm. A smile crept on the omega's face when Jungkook hugged him closer to his chest, burying his face in the omega's blonde hair.

He slept like that again, feeling safe in pine scent.

But his sleep was disturbed again when he felt someone humping against his side.

" Jimin..." Jungkook breathe against the omega's neck, nibbling the soft skin a little. " omega..."

Jimin opened his eyes widely when he felt Jungkook's pine scent getting more intense, more spicy and more husky.

Jungkook had his eyes closed as he dry hump Jimin's hip while his hands hold the omega's waist roughly with hard grip. His skin was feverish. It took several minutes for Jimin to realise that what was happening.

Jungkook was in rut.

" Hyung?" Jimin called softly.

" Need you..." Jungkook breathe as he finally opened his eyes and Jimin gasped when instead of meeting a warm brown orbs, he saw Jungkook's eyes turned golden, clouded with lust.

" I am here." Jimin said as he cupped the Alpha's face. " I am here for you. "

Jungkook blinked a couple of times trying to clear the haze.

" Jimin my rut is starting. Go away." he warned as he tried to move a little farther but Jimin held him with his hand fisted in the Alpha's shirt which he was wearing surprisingly.

" Why are you saying that?" Jimin asked confused, blue eyes staring at the golden one.

" My wolf will take the control completely." Jungkook confessed. " I don't wanna hurt you."

Jimin eyes soften immediately. Even in the haze and pain of rut, the first instinct of the alpha was to worry about his well being.

Jimin shifted closer until their noses were almost touching.

" You won't hurt me and your wolf won't hurt me as well." Jimin reasoned. " after, we are his mate." Jimin carressed the Alpha's face. " I wanna take care of you." with that said, Jimin inched forward, capturing the Alpha's thin lips into his plump one.

Lips meshed together as Jungkook started to take the control and hovered over Jimin's tiny frame as he pressed Jimin into the mattress.

He pulled away just to remove his shirt and Jimin took the hint and removed his shirt too, hissing when the coldness greeted his skin again but he didn't dwell much as he knew that the Alpha's warmth was more than enough.

Jimin circled his hands around the Alpha's neck, caressing the short dark hair as he pulled the alpha down on him, hungrily pressing their lips together.


Jimin whimpered as Jungkook held his wrist on the either side of his head while he fucked him restlessly.

The rut has started in the middle of the night and now it is nearly dawn time. Jungkook has lost his control completely.

The way he is handling Jimin is like as if the Omega is a rag doll but yet he is not hurting Jimin.

Even in haze of his rut , the Alpha is making sure that Jimin is feeling pleasure more than pain.

" Mine!" Jungkook growled into the Omega's ears making the younger to arch his head and stiffle a moan.

" Yours... Ahh..."

With that said, Jungkook cummed, leaving his seed in the Omega.


Jimin walked towards the Maid who had already made the food and has a tray ready for them.

Jimin just wore Jungkook's long shirt along with shirt, red and purple marks spread everywhere.

He gulped his embarrassment when the maids gave him a knowing look.

It is already afternoon and Jungkook had finally fallen asleep and Jimin sneaked out of the room just to get some food and water because apparently Jungkook isn't in his right mind to care for the necessities.

Jimin grabbed the tray and made his way towards the bedroom.

" Omega..." A stern voice said and Jimin immediately, shut the door behind him.

There sat Jungkook in the middle of the bed, hair mess, hickeys on his collar bone and on his sternum ,his golden eyes in full blaze, staring at him as if he is starving for the Omega.

" Come here." Jungkook commanded and Jimin instantly obliged. He placed the food on the table and Jungkook yanked him closer, meshing their lips together.

God, this is gonna be a long week!


Word count : 1173


Hey lovelies!!!

I am writing too much smut😭

Feedback, sweethearts??


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