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This book is republished and rewritten. The plot would be little different than the original one.

Also, please don't describe the scenes that would happen in this book later on as there are some new readers and I don't want them to get any spoilers.

You can message me directly if you have any questions about this book.



Jimin tossed and turned the entire night, unable to sleep even a blink. He wasn't used to sleep on the floor, no matter how much furs were laid under him.

On the other hand, Jungkook was fast asleep, looking so comfortable on the hard ground. Maybe the Alpha was used to sleep like this.

And the cold was unbearable for the omega. He was shivering so much from tbe damn cold. He just wished that he would be the security of his own room, with fireplace light up.

He finally fell asleep at a dawn but he was shivering like crazy.

Jungkook woke up when he saw that the sun had risen up. He looked at the omega who was now sleeping.

They have to get on road quickly, cause it is getting colder by each passing hour.

He stepped out and noticed that many omegas and Alphas were already up, some making breakfast, some sharpening their sword.

They all were used to this situation, unlike his mate who was always inhis comfort zone.

Jimin, is a feisty omega, Jungkook concluded. He is not some ordinary omega who can bend to the Alpha's rules.

Jungkook liked that. He wanted a mated to have his own opinion and stand for himself.

But what is hard is that the omega is harx to be pleased. No matter how much Jungkook tried to show him that he is not an asshole, Jimin begged to differ.

Last night they had their very first argument on the very first day of being married. Jungkook chuckled to himself, the omega was definitely something else.

He walked towards the his Appa who was with his brother, talking something serious.

"Good morning Appa. Good morning, Hyung. " Jungkook greeted and got a nod from both of them.

" We have to speed up the journey. The storm would be coming soon and staying here would be dangerous as omegas and Pups are with us. " His Appa said with a serious look on his face.

Jungkook just nodded, he knew that the climate was getting damped and cold and the breeze was a bit harsh on them.

They have to speed up or else the lives would be in danger.

" We have to have breakfast quickly and leave this place. Is Prince Jimin up yet. " Taehyung asked Jungkook.

" No. He is sleeping. " Jungkook replied.

" Wake him up so that he would have enough time to get ready. " His Appa said and Jungkook nodded before going to his tent.

Jungkook entered the tent and saw that his omega was still asleep. Jungkook took a moment to appreciate the omega's beauty.

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