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" You are thinking too much, Jimin ." Jisoo tried to comfort Jimin who wasn't eating anything. The three Omega's were having breakfast at Jimin's and Jungkook's wing as the youngest was feeling uneasy.

Jimin just nodded, Don't know what to say to his in-laws. Maybe they are right, maybe he is just overreacting, afterall it's their first time to stay away from eachother after their mating ceremony.

" Tae oppa as well as Hoseok oppa has attended many of such meetings, Jiminie." Jennie said as he gave a small squeeze on the Younger's shoulder. " You should rest . I guess you were awake the entire night." She said and Jimin blushed cause yes, they were indeed awake the entire night making love repeatedly.

" I should." Were the only words that came out of his mouth as he stood up and hurriedly made his way towards the library, trying his best to avoid the giggling sound that was coming from Jisoo and Jennie.

He made his way inside the library and sighed in relief. He is happy that Seulgi isn't allowed in the library and nor in the bedroom. He need some alone time.

He made his way towards his side of library and sat on the comfortable sofa . His Omega was clawing at his chest since yesterday and Jimin don't know why.

Ignoring it , he choose ' little women' novel from the shelf. It is his all time favourite and right now he don't want to read any romantic book that would make him miss his Alpha even more.

It's not even two hours since the departure but for Jimin it felt like eternity. He miss his asshole Alpha.

God knows how he will spent the rest of the weekend.


Snow was getting thicker and thicker. Three princes were side by side. Taehyung and hoseok were having a cheerful conversation, whereas the youngest of all was busy sulking.

" Well, well. Certain someone is missing someone." Taehyung teased as he watched a pout being formed on the younger's lips. Hoseok laughed along him, having fun in the younger's misery.

" Shut up." Jungkook called as he made his horse walk a little faster than his brother's. However, Taehyung and hoseok were by his side in no time.

" okay. Jokes aside. How are you feeling?" Hoseok asked as he is the most responsible among the three.

" I am fine. " Jungkook replied, even though it was a complete lie. He just miss his omega so much that he can't wait to be at home in the arms of the younger.

Hoseok rolled his eyes at him. He looked i  front and saw that King Jeon was talking with one of the respected Alpha.

" Are you happy?" Taehyung asked this time he was being serious.

" Happy leaving my omega alone? No I am not happy." Jungkook replied.

Taehyung scoffed at him.

" I was talking about in general." Taehyung clarified. " Are you happy with a life with Jimin by your side? " he asked again.

Jungkook had an instant smile on his face as he imagined his entire life with this beautiful tiny omega by his side. The glimpse of future looked promising.

" I am happy than I have ever been. " Jungkook replied and both hoseok and Taehyung smiled at him.

Taehyung and hoseok had found their love in their mate and they were glad that Jungkook is happy too.

" Oh yeah?" hoseok asked.

" Yup. Hyung, he is so different then than of  most other omegas. He loves to keep his point in front of me. He is straightforward and most of the time, he does what he wants." Jungkook said with a smile on his face.

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