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One week later

Jimin groaned in , still in his sleep. It felt weird. He blindly searched for his husband but found out that he was all alone. Confused he opened his eyes and looked around, Indeed Jungkook wasn't in the room.

It was extremely dark outside which means that it was barely 2 am in the morning.

Jimin slipped out for the warm blanket and instantly shivered as the icy breeze wave past him. He hates cold.

He quickly grabbed a shawl from the cabinet and made his way outside of the room. Luckily, the corridors were lighted with fire lamp so it wasn't so dark.

There weren't any guards around their bedroom as per instructed by Jungkook. He wasn't single anymore and protecting his mate is his first priority.

Jimin searched the piano room where Jungkook spends half of his time when he is free but to his disappointed, the room was empty.

Jimin frowned and continued walking around.

Where can Jungkook be at this time of the night? And that too when he is injured?

A noise that came from the kitchen made Jimin halt in his place. He furrowed his brows and leaned his head to see who it was and wasn't surprised he saw Jungkook who was busy searching something.

" What do you think you are doing?" Jimin asked as he stand straight and folded his arms on his chest to lean on the door frame.

Jungkook, who was busy searching for food , jumped a little.

" Gosh! Jimin!" He said , hands on his chest. He was looking as a perfect definition of dramatic queen.

" What are you doing here, Hyung?" Jimin asked again, voice coming out  a little sterner.

Jungkook cocked his brow at him. The Omega is getting bolder day by day.

" I was searching for something to eat." Jungkook said and resumed his hunt for the treasure.

Jimin walked in the kitchen after seeing the Alpha struggle.

" What do you want to eat?" He asked and extended his hand for the Alpha to take. Jungkook once again cocked his brow. " If it's okay, do you want sandwich? There are some bread left."

" You are gonna cook for me?" He asked as he took the hand of his mate and stood up, a smile plastered on his face .

" I am just doing by duty. Don't want my mate to die when I am so young."  Jimin said , the statement came rather harshly.

And Jimin regretted it the moment it left from his lips. Jungkook's expression turned grim as he took a seat on the kitchen stool.

" Yeah... Right. Don't wanna people point their fingers on you." Jungkook said.

" Right. Sandwich is fine?" Jimin asked gingerly. He was feeling uncomfortable in his own skin. For some reason he don't like to see Jungkook like This.

" Yeah. Sandwich is fine." Jungkook said, for some reason he felt a pang in his heart that the Omega was just doing whatever he was doing just for the sake of duty. It didn't settled well with him.

" Okay." Jimin said as he began to make sandwich. His Omega was clawing at his chest, clearly unpleased that Jimin lied to their Alpha.

Ofcourse, duties aren't anything that Jimin ever considered important.

" Here." Jimin said and placed a plate of two sandwiches. Jungkook thanked him and silently began eating it.

They both were silent, their both hearts were heavy.

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