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Jungkook woke up as the cool breeze hit pass him .He turned around and checked on his other side ,only to find it empty and cold.

He rised on his elbows and looked around, but the Omega wasn't anywhere.

He stood up and took wore a coat on his naked torso before walking out of the tent.

Anxiety was growing in him as he remembered that how he lashed out on the younger. Jimin is reckless and the Alpha don't know that he is wise enough to not run away from the pack.

As he walked out , he noticed that the sun has barely risen and all his packages are still awake.
" Why are you up so early?" The Omega's voice said and Jungkook turned around to see the Omega sitting on a log with fire burning in front of him.

The Omega blushed as soon as he saw him. The Alpha's chest was on full display and the coat wasn't helping to cover him. Jimin still don't know how can the Alpha walk around barely wearing anything when they are practically surrounded with thick snow.

" I could ask the same for you." Jungkook said and made his way towards his mate, sitting beside him.

" I wasn't able to sleep." Jimin said , his nose blown red at how cold he was feeling, Jungkook found it cute .

" I thought you ran away." Jungkook said as he watched the Omega shiver under the layers of furs. Jimin chuckled at him.

" Were can I go alone? And by the way , I am not very keen of dying so early." Jimin said, his tone gentle as he looked at the Alpha.

It was true. Two mates seperated from eachother can hardly survive. That's how wolves work.

" Glad to know that you have brains." Jungkook said and watched as the Omega's eyes glared at him.

" And there I thought it was good to be friendly with you!" Jimin said sarcastically and Jungkook just chuckled at him.

" Sorry." Jimin was the one who apologized, making the Alpha look at him with confusion.

" For what?" Jungkook asked as cocked his eyebrow at him. The blue eyed Omega turned to look at him, innocent eyes wide as he looked down at his feet again.

" I have been hard to handle since the wedding. " Jimin said, he played with the snow under his feet before continuing. " I don't know how to act around you. I don't know what you were thinking before agreeing to marrying me . "

" That is because you never gave me a chance to explain myself." Jungkook stated as he looked at the Omega.

" Will you let me complete?" Jimin asked, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

"Sure." Jungkook said.

" You see, I wasn't grown a environment where omegas are treated equally. Omegas  according to them is nothing but a show piece to flaunt their beauty or they are just made for breeding, nothing in between." Jimin sighed and look up at the Alpha before instantly looking down at the fire. Jungkook was listening to him attentively.

" My dad never treated my mom or me as a family. I don't know if you have noticed it but my dad even hates to see my face ." Jungkook could tell that the Omega was trying hard to not cry.

" Your pack-"

"Our pack." Jungkook corrected and Jimin really wanted to roll his eyes at the older.

" This pack is different. Omegas are respected here, I am respected here and that is new to me." Jimin looked up and watched as the sun finally rising.

" I can't help but think that all of this is just a facade. " Jimin looked at the Alpha who was had his tongue poked in his inner cheek. " The need to protect myself from having a fate my mom and many other omegas have made me build walls around me and I am sorry." Jimin said, last sentence came as a whisper.

Jungkook placed some wood into the fire before speaking again.

" We don't believe that Alphas are superior than any of the sub gender, Jimin . You are free to express your opinions , you are free to correct me anytime when you feel that I am wrong." Jungkook said as he stared at the Omega who was looking at his feet, hands buried in the furs.

" And please look into my eyes whenever you are talking." Jungkook said and placed a finger on the Omega's chin, lifting it upward so that the Omega is looking at him directly." I never wanted to have a submissive mate, Jimin and you are far from being submissive. We have to spend our entire life together and I don't expect you to fall in love with me but atleast We should be on friendly basis , rather than always ready to cut the other's throat open." Jungkook said with sincerity. Jimin gulped , feeling nervous.

Love is a strong word and they both were far from it.

Jimin nodded at the Alpha who smiled back at him , brown eyes crinkling with kindness.

" We will be reaching Jeon pack till tomorrow. " Jungkook said and placed his palm on the Omega's forehead, checking his body temperature and to his relief, it was normal.

Jimin was smiled at him, a nervous smile but smile nonetheless. Finally they were making some progress.

" I can't wait to sleep in the bed. It's so cold here." Jimin whined as he pulled the fur ever closer to him. His mating mark was still aching.

" If you are missing warmth I can provide you that every night, all night but you are stubborn." Jungkook said with a smirk as he saw the younger go red , clearly fluster. The Alpha was expecting some kind of rash comeback but the Omega remained silent. Jungkook chuckled before standing up and walking away towards some Alphas who were now woken up and were trying to light up the fire for breakfast.

Still flustered, Jimin made his way inside the tent . He let the furs down from his body and folded them properly before getting changed into something warm.

He wore navy blue sweater that was a bit too big for him and a pair of black pants. Last night , he wasn't able to sleep at all .The conversation he had with the older a night before was constantly playing in his mind.

He was wrong for stereotyping the Alpha along with the Park pack. He really shouldn't have done that. Jungkook has been nothing but nice to him and the Omega will try to return this gesture. Even though it will surely require time to be around eachother with doing anything stupid but Jimin will surely fight for the relationship he has with the Alpha.

Even though it will only be of name but Jimin is willing to give in to the Alpha's request.


Word count :  1145

Hey lovelies!!



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