66|Talented Musician

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General POV
After a long phone call with Fury, Steve was gathering all of the Avengers. Fury had called to organise a meeting to talk about what they know about HYDRA along with announcing 'The Spider' to the public as an official Avenger. He was in quite a rush as the group had been called to arrive quickly, they needed to be there in an hour, it took 45 minutes to get there so they only had 15 minutes until they and to leave and none of them even knew they needed to leave.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y please call everyone into the main room, tell them it is urgent and they cannot miss it" Steve announces to the A.I who gave a simple yes and called everyone.

Slowly the group filtered into the main room, one by one. Some slumped onto chairs and some stood ready to listen.

"Okay so Fury has called a meeting. We need some people to stay in the compound to make sure no one decides to attack and rob some important data while we are gone so Riley, Bruce and Vision are going to stay behind" Steve announces, knowing that Riley will not want to be at the meeting especially if it is about Hydra, they could always go over the basic details of the meeting but avoid making the conversation like a painful interview for Riley which Steve knows is no doubt what fury would do.

"Yes captain" Pietro says, saluting to Steve cheekily. Steve just sighs and continues talking.

Everyone nods. "We also need to leave in ten minutes so get what you need, I'll give you some more information in the jet" Steve adds before dismissing everyone.

once everyone arrives on the jet and its in the air, Steve begins to debrief everyone. "Fury wanted a meeting about what we plan to do with the Hydra situation along with announcing the new team member, The Spider to the public" Steve states.

"Aw you do care, you knew it would be about Hydra so didn't bring Riley" Nat says, teasing the soldier, but with a genuine grin on her face. Wanda smiles too, along its most of the team, they are pleased with Steve decision.

"We will have to give a basic description of what the meeting was about to Bruce, Vision and Riley-" Steve begins, only to be cut of by Natasha.

"But Fury would have turned it into an interrogation for Riley so it was best for her to stay at the compound" Nat says, knowing the man well, when Fury goes into business mode he goes full out and will want the answers to his questions no matter how painful they may be. Steve nods.

"How long is the flight?" Peter asks, bored.

"Only 45 minutes Pete" Tony responds, Peter nods.

"How long will the meeting be?" Kate asks, curiously.

"not too long, it depends, no longer than 3 hours" Clint responds.

"Three hours!" Pietro whines "Meeting are just so boring and three hours is ages" he adds.

"Deal with it" Clint responds, muttering about how it's boring for everyone and no one wants to go.

Natasha chuckles at the interaction, smiling. "Can we get some food on the way home?" Yelena asks her sister

"I don't know, ask someone else. Like Steve or Tony" Natasha responds. Steve nods.

"Yes, we can get some McDonald's if you want?" Steve offers, chuckles when her hears many cheers. "I suppose we are getting McDonald's then later" he mutters to himself.

When the group finally arrive they are silently escorted to the meeting room by some S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Fury is sat at the table ready to begin the meeting. The chairs screech against the floor as everyone takes a seat. The Avengers sit there in silence waiting for Fury to speak. "I assume Steve has informed you what the reason are for this meeting" Fury states. Steve nods, along with a few others.

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