Chapter 8: Know Your Place

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TW: Super smut heavy with BDSM themes

Kylo Ren stepped into your room. The door closed behind him. He locked it. You stood at attention in the middle of the room, hands at your sides. You still had on the black robes from your training session before, your hair was up and out of your face. You were shaking, despite the mental exercises you did prior to him walking in. You promised yourself that you would do anything he asked, that you wouldn't continue to push him further.

He began circling you slowly. You didn't follow him with your eyes, and continued to look straight ahead. You weren't sure what to expect, and jumped when you heard the sound of the mask being removed, and dropped on the floor. You kept your face forward, but knowing his mask was off made your head begin swirling. If you looked at him, you feared you would melt. Quickly, you looked at the floor, at your bare feet.

Two massive boots showed up right in front of your toes. You followed his legs up to where you saw pants stretched over Kylo Ren's hard sex. Your lips parted, immediately you forgot your training and you went back to wanting him desperately. Shit.

"Look at me." He demanded. You kept your eyes looking down, you shook your head. "Please." He muttered.

Did he just say...please?

Your eyes shot up to meet his immediately. He stared at you, lips parting slightly. You shook your head.

"Why are you shaking your head at me?"

"I'm sorry." You said, remembering to behave once again. After all this time you finally had something to give to the resistance, and it only happened once you became his apprentice, so you knew that remaining in this position was paramount for the future of the galaxy.

He stepped away from you, easing some of the tension before turning to look at you again.

"I've realized that perhaps the reason you are struggling is due to lack of clarity. So I will make this as simple as possible for you."

He was speaking to you once again as if you were a child being scolded by your parents. This patronizing attitude is what was going to get you in trouble, and make you forget yourself and unleash your own frustration.

"If I tell you to do something, you will obey without question. If I tell you not to do something, you will not do it. There is nothing in between." He took a step closer to you, forcing your heart rate to rise. "How hard is that...huh? It's easy, you just need to let go!"

"Yes, Master." You were holding your lips together tightly, feeling the water welling up in your eyes.

"If I tell you what to wear, you will wear it." He took another step closer. "If I tell you I want you to stand at the edge of the hangar and jump into the depths of space you will DO IT!"

"Yes, Master." Your bottom lip was quivering.

"You cry so much. Are you so full of pain? Is it that hard to just do as I say?"

"You yell Master, and it frightens me."

"Good." He took another step forward. "It pleases me to know that the Captains and the troopers, and yes even my students, have to look at you and know that they can't have you. What you wear doesn't matter. I could have you train naked." He stepped forward again, his chest nearly touching yours. "Do you know why they can't have you?"

"Yes, Master." You were barely tall enough to be eye level with his chest. He seemed like a black void that could pull you in.

"Say it. Go on."

"I belong to you, Master."

"Good girl." The words sent that sensation directly to your clitoris. Damn that wretched thing. "Now that we are on the same page, let's make sure you understand." He backed away from you again. "Go, stand in front of the bed." When stepping, you realized just how weak you felt and almost fell, but you managed to keep yourself together long enough to get in front of the bed. "Take off the robes." A moment of hesitation glazed over you. You looked into Kylo Ren's eyes. "Do it." You took them off, which didn't take much effort seeing as there wasn't much there. He exhaled through pouted lips upon scanning your body with his eyes. "Beautiful." He said.

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