Chapter 30: Where Are You?

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TW: Angry/Hate sex, general adult content, degrading, hitting, blood (not much)

You stepped out of the X-wing to a crowd. Tons of Resistance members were there to greet you, you were surprised at how many people came for your arrival. You waved to them, it was a relief that no one hated you, even though they probably should. Four faces you had been longing to see stood at the forefront, Rey, Finn, Poe, and your mother. Your heart suddenly felt much lighter.

You ran to them all, wrapping your arms around them as much as you could. As soon as you felt them around you, you collapsed, tears trickling their way into wailing sobs. When you dropped to your knees, they all dropped with you. This is what friendship was, people who cared for you no matter how terrible you had been. You could only hope they could truly forgive you for everything you'd done. After the moment subsided, you all stood back up.

"Mom." You said, turning your attention to her.

"Sid, honey." She placed a kiss upon your cheek and then embraced you. "Rey told me everything." She pushed you back to arms length. "I don't want you to feel guilty at all. You did everything you needed to do. None of what has happened was your fault."

"Thank you mom. I'm still so sorry though. For what you're going through." Even though your mom said nothing was your fault, you couldn't help but still feel guilt regarding what happened to your father. You could've done something about it, but you didn't.

You couldn't imagine what she was going through, being without your father, the man she loved. The thought of being without Kylo Ren, a man you should be glad to be rid of, was painful enough. You heard the crowd start dissipating, going back to the things they were doing prior to your arrival. Your friends remained.

"Who's that?" Rey asked.

Pacer was making her way toward you awkwardly. You realized you should've brought her over, and felt bad for leaving her behind on the ship, but you had been so overwhelmed with the need to hug your friends you'd nearly forgotten her, another thing you could feel guilty about later.

"Oh, Pacer, I'm so sorry." You grabbed her hands and pulled her over. "Pacer, this is Rey, Finn, Poe, and my mother, Sky."

Finn's jaw dropped, "Pacer? As in Pacer from the First Order?!"

She looked from Finn to you and back to him again, "yes..."

"Pace?!" Rey and Poe stepped back to reveal the girl speaking behind them. "Pacer!"

The small read-headed woman ran faster than you thought possible and jumped into Pacer's arms. Their lips slammed into each other, and then they both started sobbing. You wanted nothing but happiness for them, and you were happy for them, but you couldn't help feeling a pang of jealousy. This was why you couldn't be a Jedi, you could never have so much control over your emotions

"Good thing I taught you how to fly huh?" Poe smacked your back. "Nice job, I half expected you to have a crash landing."

Rey rolled her eyes, "you have no faith do you? I knew you could do it." She smiled at you. "I'm really happy to see you Sid."

"Sid!" A young woman came running toward you.

"Jen!" You wrapped your arms around your old friend.

You could've been sisters in another life, you both looked a lot alike. You pushed her back to arms length and looked her up and down.

"How have you been?" You asked, she was beaming with excitement.

"Well, I just found out this week..." She put an arm around Poe's waist. "We're going to have another baby!"

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