Chapter 10: Make You Mine

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The Captain wisely avoided you for the remaining two days of your journey, but so did the Supreme Leader. For such a small ship, you were increasingly frustrated at your lack of instruction by Kylo Ren. You had resorted to shadowing the First Order officers attending the bridge. Save for having to avoid a few stray asteroids, the days were rather uneventful. When you finally landed on what looked to be a much larger version of the Finalizer.

"Welcome to the Tempest, Mistress." General Brock led you off the command shuttle and onto the hangar.

You sensed that your Master had already left the hangar and was somewhere on the Tempest, still managing to stay clear of you. While the General took you from corridor to corridor, you decided to see what information you could get from him.

"Tell me, what has the Supreme Leader been so busy with this last week or so?"

"Well, as you know, Master Kylo Ren has received word from General Hux that they have concluded their search on Oloc." Brock stopped and sucked in a deep breath. "You didn't hear it from me, but Kylo Ren is here because he has suspicion that Hux is keeping something from him. The General came back with nothing."

You feigned surprise, "nothing?" Brock nodded and continued walking. "The Supreme Leader must be furious."

"He's been spending this time trying to decide the best course of action. I've heard he may invade the planet less inconspicuously this time." Your conversation was cut short by Jay and Pacer meeting at a cross-section of the corridors.

"I will see you around General."

"You as well, Mistress." General Brock left you in the hands of your two ladies. "Oh, Ma'am."

"Yes, General?" You turned back to him.

"Have you seen Captain Cross? I haven't seen him since your training day, our first day on the command shuttle, and it's not a very big ship."

Your mind went back to the intense meeting you'd had with the Captain that night. You shook your head. "No, now that you mention it." Did Kylo...?

"Ok, well, let me know if you happen to see him."

"Will do, General."

Your ladies escorted you to your room, it was smaller than the room you had on Starkiller base II, but you didn't need much. It was still a far cry from the barracks you called home during your days as a trooper.

"Mistress," said Pacer, "There is a meeting tonight in the grand meeting hall. Master Kylo Ren has asked you to attend officially as his apprentice."

Your breath caught in your throat. Not long ago, you were just a soldier, attending one of these meetings for the first time, now you were going to stand by Kylo Ren's side as his official apprentice while he conducts First Order business. The thought was exciting, and nerve wracking. You kept your composure, but questioned your ladies further.

"Did he say what the meeting would entail?"

"He only said that it was important. We don't dare to question him ma'am." Jay said.

You knew it was unlikely that they would know much, but it was worth asking anyhow. It was only a couple hours before it was time to meet in the meeting hall with Kylo Ren. You had wished he would have prepared you better, given you some set of expectations and ideas on how to behave. Since you had no guidance from your so-called teacher, you would resort to only speaking when spoken to.

In your new, tailored uniform, styled hair and makeup, you approached the doors where you knew your Supreme Leader was, taking command of his fleet. You hadn't seen him in days, and before that it had been nearly a week. Was he bored of you? Did he enjoy having a new toy for a time and then toss it aside? You knew that you should be relieved to have seen him less, but more and more, you were just frustrated by it.

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