Chapter 9: Hands Where They Don't Belong

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TW: Sexual Assault

You spent the next week training with Captain Cross. It would be a lie to say you hadn't wondered where the Supreme Leader had been spending his time, it was as if you had gone back to never having known him. After the intimate time you had spent with Kylo Ren, you were annoyed to say that you...missed him, or at least missed his touch. If you were his apprentice, why wasn't he the one teaching you?

You fell, hitting the ground with a thud. Cross' metal pole inches from your face. "You're distracted." He commented.

You stood up in a hurry. You shook your head in denial. "No." Without hesitation you started back in, hitting blow after blow against his blocks. Using the Force you pushed him to the ground and held your weapon to his chest. "I'm not."

He smirked, holding a hand out. You grabbed it and pulled him to standing. He wiped his mouth and shook his head. "You are supposed to be focusing on your physical training, not using the Force."

"I know, I just..." You turned your back to him, empty hand clenched in a fist. "This sparring, it's pointless." You faced him once more. "I know how to fight, I should be doing more important things, don't you think?"

His face was smug. He still didn't respect you, and in his mind you could still see your exposed breast at the forefront. "Like what?"

"I don't know, like, helping the Supreme Leader snuff out rebel scum, or, learning to command armies." You placed your weapon back on the rack. "Anything other than learning something I already know."

"This is what he wants from you. Are you going to tell him otherwise?"

Your lips formed a hard line. "No."

"Alright then, shall we continue?"

The day concluded, you were sore, and covered in sweat. You showered and dressed in some casual pants and a long sleeve shirt. The Supreme Leader had resorted to having your meals sent to your room, and after you ate you lay down on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Part of you was glad that you hadn't seen him. The pressure to lie and keep secrets wasn't so prominent when you were away from him. You could continue your investigation into the Starkiller base plans without interruption.

General Hux had left the base you were on. You had since learned it was called Starkiller Base II, the successor to the one destroyed years ago, and the first of the many that the First Order built following Kylo Ren's ascension to power. It shocked you to know how many millions of people joined the First Order upon the failure of the Resistance. You couldn't imagine why. Did they do it out of fear? Did they believe that this was really the best way to rule the galaxy? Or was it that they just wanted to stay on the winning side? Regardless, there were far more members of the First Order than the Resistance, and even you were beginning to wonder if they would ever be able to win this endless war.

The doors to your chamber opened, you jumped up. This lack of privacy was also becoming frustrating for you, but your frustration melted away with the look of a familiar masked man. Master Kylo Ren.

"Master!" You were surprised, but even more surprised at your excitement to see him. What was happening to you?

"We are leaving. Your things will be packed for you. A uniform has been made for you, it will be delivered shortly. Wear it."

"Master, I-"

"Stop, I don't have time."

He left abruptly. Your stomach was fluttering furiously. You felt as though you might explode. How could he be so cold? He was so insistent on pleasuring you and teaching you a week ago, and then he dropped off. You felt your fists at your sides, pulsing with frustration. This on again off again feeling was enough to make you feel insane.

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