Chapter 26: Plan of Escape

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TW: Not really triggering, but adult content.

After several moments of sobbing into Rey's shoulder, you were able to finally look at her. She looked at you compassionately before finally speaking.

I'm sorry you're hurting, and I'm sorry for any part I may have played in your pain.

You shook your head, no, I did this to myself. I'm so stupid.

You're not stupid for trying to fight for the good in people. She pressed her lips together and then let out a heavy sigh. I nearly died for the same thing. That's why your father acted that way, he was so afraid.

I know.

A long moment of silence passed between you. You wondered if she was still on Evora, or if everyone was long gone and she was aboard a ship, on their way to who knows where.

I'm sorry for ever doubting you. She said, or at the very least, for not believing that you had it under control.

But you didn't have it under control. You knew deep down that if Kylo Ren were to look at you, sweep you into his arms and tell you that he shared your feelings, you would abandon everything. She knew that, even now, but she wanted to believe you had it under control, or at least that's what you assumed.

Rey, I'm torn. You said, looking desperately at her for guidance. I can't help these feelings, and I don't want them. It hurts.

I know.

Another bout of silence in your room.

I know that I've given you no reason to trust me recently, but you need to know, I've always been on the side of the Resistance. I haven't told them anything, I've kept my mind strong. You said.

I never doubted that, Sid. It's the conflict in your heart that worries me. You can't go this way, this path only leads to more pain.

He said that when this is all over, when he has destroyed anyone who stands in his way, he will make me his right hand. But he keeps pushing me away, like he hates me. I'm so confused. You ran your hands through your hair. I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it.

You do. You're stronger than you realize. Her words gave you the confidence to ask the question that you needed to, but until now, you weren't sure you could.

How do I leave?

The words leaving your mouth gave way to another wave of hurt. She paced for a moment. Leaving the First Order should've been the happiest day of your life, a day you waited for since the moment you first joined. So why did it hurt so much?

You said he's going to invade first, right? Before they blow up Evora?

Yes. You said.

Perfect. Poe said he taught you to fly, on the Eastern hangar we will leave an X-wing. It will be the only thing left. You'll have to get to it.

You nodded. Yes. Where will I find you?

Ajan Kloss. In Cademimu, the Outer Rim.

I'll be there. You weren't sure if you were happy about it or not, but you would be there.

Sid... She paused, you weren't sure what she was about to say, and you were nervous the longer she waited. She let out a huge sigh. If you don't come to us this time, you won't hear from me again. I can't keep putting myself, and the Resistance at risk.

Yes, Master (Kylo Ren X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now