Chapter 27: The Last Time

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TW: Blood/minor bloodplay (seriously nothing too crazy), sex, hitting/slapping, degrading/verbal abuse

When Pacer came to ready you for the day this time, you knew you had to tell her about the plan. It was imperative that she steer clear of Kylo Ren after you told her though, she didn't have the mental fortitude to keep him at bay like you did. After she and Lena finished dressing you, they started to leave.

"Pacer, please stay."

Lena left, Pacer went to your vanity and sat while you remained standing. She played with her hair, these amenities were probably extravagant in comparison to what she had in her quarters. You imagined she liked to take advantage of the luxuries she could while she was in here.

"We are landing tomorrow." You spoke matter of factly. "There is an X-wing in the East hangar." You paced for a second, realizing that leaving was going to be harder than you thought. Not physically of course, you had no doubt you could get there quickly, and unnoticed, but every time you thought about leaving, your heart stung. "There is a small chance that I won't be joining you. I want to." Her face looked surprised.

"Lex, you have to." She looked frightened all of a sudden. "I don't know anything about flying or navigation."

Shit. "I will think of something else for you if for some reason I don't make it. I just..." You trailed off. How selfish would you be now to not leave and make her suffer with you. "I don't know if I'll be able to when the time comes."

She walked over and took your hands in hers. "I know that this isn't easy, but there's happiness out there for you." Her eyes were glistening, full of hope. "There's an entire galaxy that is counting on the Resistance, and we can help them." She let go of you and walked toward the door. "I know how you're feeling. It's plain to see. Just remember who he is though, and if he's worth giving up everything for."

She left, you were sure she had other duties to attend to that didn't include listening to you whine about Kylo Ren again, but you still wanted her to stay and talk sense into you until the moment it was time to leave. Was he worth giving up everything for? When you faced the reality of He wasn't.

But then you would see him, standing in the command center, mask on, and he took your very breath away. He turned to you, and immediately you had an inexplicable desire to give up everything for him. You could only hope that when the moment came, you wouldn't see his ridiculously handsome face, or else you doubted you would have the strength to do what needed to be done.

"There you are. Perhaps we need a lesson in punctuality?" He sure enjoyed taunting you.

"No, Master. I was seeking comfort from one of my ladies, as you recommended." You tried your best, but there was no doubting the sarcasm in your tone.

"Best not let it interfere with your responsibilities." He turned back to the large window.

As he walked up to it, you followed. You stood next to him, nothing but space ahead of you. As much as you didn't want to admit it to yourself, if this is what ruling the galaxy next to him looked like, you could be easily coerced. Standing next to him, feeling his presence, the only thing you would change is the absence of his hand in yours, or an arm around your waist. You had to stop thinking this way.

"You've been increasingly loud with those thoughts of yours." Your heart caught in your throat. How much had he heard? Did he hear about your escape plans? No. If he had, he surely would've done something about it. "Love, care, compassion, it will all just make you weak." He turned to you, his expression impossible to see through the black void of his mask. "If you intend to rule with me, and to truly harness the power of the dark side, you need to let it go, I can't have my right hand be weak as you are."

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