Chapter 39: Despair and Hope

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Your palms were sweating around the metal hilt of your saber. Even with your friends around you, you felt anxious standing in front of the all powerful Emperor. His malicious grin furthered your sense of unease. You felt your breathing becoming sharp and shallow. For the first time in a long time, you felt Rey's heart was full of confidence, knowing you were here, and that you'd succeeded in bringing Ben at your side.

"Look at you three." Palpatine began. "My granddaughter, Rald Parroba's granddaughter, and the grandson of Anakin Skywalker." He spoke slowly, adding to the eerie nature of his tone. He Forced you and Ben to your knees, hovering over the ground. Both of you dropped your sabers, and they The Emperor then turned you both in front of Rey.

He Forced all of your heads up, looking to the ceiling. You were in awe watching as the ceiling opened up, revealing more star destroyers than you knew existed in the entire galaxy. What you saw made your heart leave your body. Resistance fighters were being shot from the sky, your friends, your family, were dying, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. He turned your heads back to look at Rey.

"Granddaughter." He spoke to her. "Kill your enemies, these two who would dare to threaten your power, and then kill me. Become one with the dark side, and you will control the Final Order." He called you her enemies. You supposed that if she were to go to the dark side, then you and Ben would be at the top of her list of enemies, but Rey would never.

"Rey, you have to stop the Final Order, this is the only way." Ben spoke up. You could sense he wasn't trying to manipulate her, he just had no hope that there was an alternative to this situation.

"He's right." You heard the monster behind you say.

"No." You said looking deep into her eyes, "Rey, we can do this together. You, me, and Ben."

Her jaw dropped, her voice was quiet. "No." She said, "No, I could never kill my friends!"

Despite the strength of the Force inhibiting his ability to move, you felt a hand reach over and latch on to yours. Ben. You thought. He filled you with a comfort that you needed in this moment. Rey looked between the two of you, tears threatening to fall from her glistening eyes.

"Ah, what great irony." Palpatine said. "The one who escaped, and the one who failed to kill them all, who knew their grandchildren would one day be in love? And how fortunate for you both, that today, you will die together."

He turned you around to face him, pulling your hand apart from Ben's. He was disgusting, wrinkled and gray. His eyes were whited out, and lips blackened. You noticed his hands as well, stubbed and bony. He really was a monster in every sense of the word.

You'd give anything to stop this from happening, to save the Resistance. Maybe Ben was right, and Rey should just kill you both, for the greater good. You didn't want her to, deep down, but you also didn't see another option at this point, and you were willing to make the sacrifice. Though you should be frightened, you knew what had to be done, and that had given you a sense of peace.

"This is your last chance, girl, kill them, or die yourself." You closed your eyes, expecting it to be the end, but of course, she wouldn't do that. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Palpatine spoke up, "If you won't kill them, and take your rightful place, then I shall do it myself!"

He brought Rey to your side, to join you on her knees in front of him. She too had dropped her saber with a metal clank on the floor. Hopelessness was setting in. You continued to hear the sound of the Resistance fighting above you, desperate for survival. The sounds of their ships being destroyed was killing you. For a moment you'd wished Palpatine chose you or Ben to take over. You knew that either of you would be able to do it, as difficult as it may be. So you thought, for only a second, but when you thought about Ben's face again, the confidence was stripped from you. The thought of harming him was torturous.

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