Chapter 13: She's Gone

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Explosions erupted at the landing site and the troopers there scattered. This attack was well planned, as you knew it would be, and until the familiar gloved hand grabbed your wrist, you had been frozen in place. He pulled out his saber and began pulling you along with him. Your feet stumbled as you tried to keep up.

He let go of you, "just stay with me, don't leave my side!"

You could hardly hear him over the Resistance ship blasters. An explosion behind you forced you to turn around. The castle doors, as you had suspected, blew open. The Rebels came running out, shooting at will. It hadn't occurred to you that they wouldn't recognize you, and you were in just as much danger as the rest of the First Order. Kylo Ren turned his attention to you, pulling you behind him, putting himself between you and the soldiers charging your way.

"Get to the shuttle!" He yelled at you.

"But, Master-"

"Go!" He used the Force to push you back.

You fell hard, slamming your right shoulder into the stairs as you landed. When you stood, you couldn't help but watch, defying his command for you to run. It was like he knew every single move they were about to make. His lightsaber blocked every bullet incoming with ease. You had never considered that bullets could be deflected and returned to the shooter using the Force, but your knees locked into place while you watched the bullets the Rebels shot fly back at them, hitting their foreheads and chests.

"Come on!" You had been so distracted by the fight happening before you, that you didn't see General Hux coming toward you until he was gripping your left wrist.

"No, wait!" You yelled, pulling your wrist back.

"Sid! We have to go!" You looked into his panicked eyes. "Now's our only chance, we have to go!"

Flashes of white ran by you, on their way to Kylo Ren. You turned back to your Master's direction, in time to see him turn to look at you, and the stray red laser hit his shoulder, and another hit his side. You stepped forward, despite Hux's grip on you. The troopers mowed over the Resistance with the help of several TIE fighters that had finally shown up to the fight. You were screaming, tears cascading down your face.

"No!" You were yelling, "no! No! NO!"

Pulling against Armitage was no use. He scooped you up into his arms and began carrying you away. You could've used the Force, you could've blasted everyone in this damn place to space. Why didn't you? Why didn't you snap the General's neck now, push everyone out of the way, and run to Kylo Ren? Deep down you knew that if he were to live, and find out the truth about your power, he would turn cold, and end you where you stood.

"If we don't go now, and they find out, they'll kill us too!"

Hux thought your cries were for the Resistance, and why wouldn't he think that? They should be for the Resistance. Some of the people that ran out of that castle were people you knew, people you had grown up with. But you weren't screaming for them, you were screaming for him, and you hated yourself for it.

You made the decision to follow Hux when he put you back down, despite the direction your heart pulled in. He was right, it was time for you to go home, regardless of where you wanted to be. Your shoulder ached with every step you took. You got to the bottom steps and continued running.

"Hux!" You yelled, he stopped to look at you. "If you take me, you better make it look like it's against my will. There's a chance I'll need to come back to the First Order, and if I'm seen getting on the ship with you..."

A sharp pain fell across your head, and it was lights out.

You were positive you were dead. Your mother was standing over you, dabbing your head with a cloth. The waves of Evora's beaches could be heard, the sweet, salt air gliding over your skin. It wasn't until your mother started gasping and shrieking that you were awake that you started to come-to and realize that this wasn't a dream, and you weren't dead.

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