Chapter 2: The Master's Force

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You are awakened this time not by your alarm, but by the sound of his voice in your head.

It is time to awaken. You will come to the training sector at once.

The way he hissed your name gave you chills, but you brushed them off and dressed yourself in the black robes you had been instructed to. You had wished they covered more, and that you had at least shorts to go with them, but there were none.

Upon exiting your room, seeing the storm troopers and other soldiers in their uniforms, you became painfully aware of your near nakedness. Was this how the Supreme Leader would want everyone to see his apprentice? The embarrassment was causing your cheeks to burn red.

I can feel you, your embarrassment. His voice chimed through you, filling your body. You were mindful to keep your memories locked away. Keep walking, you are nearly here.

Your bare feet slapped against the metal floor as you approached the training sector. Many troopers had eyeballed you as you walked by, furthering your embarrassment. The door was closed. His voice permeated your mind once more.

Can you open the door? Without touching it?

You could, but you didn't want him to know how well you could control the Force. Doing so would risk your entire mission, the entire reason you had spent the last five years serving the Supreme Leader under a false name.

You held your hand out to the door. It shook, but did not open. You had hoped you convinced him that you were "trying", but unsuccessful due to lack of training. The door flew open, behind it stood a towering shadow in a mask. He approached you, one booming step at a time.

"Are you prepared for your training?"

There was only one correct answer. "Yes, Supreme Leader."

"You will call me, Master." He commanded.

You gulped heavily, "yes Master."

"Follow me." He turned and entered the training center.

The room was larger than you expected with outward facing windows into the dead of space, empty save for the twinkling stars. The room contained droids and training dummies ready for your inevitable strike. Kylo Ren stood in front of the window, his back to you, and turned his head.

"You are a mystery to me." He paused and turned his head back out the window. "Your mind hesitated when you gave me your name, yet I cannot see your real name. You exhibit immense mental strength against the Force, and yet, you couldn't open a simple door." He turned and held a hand out, despite your desire to stay in place, he pulled you toward him. "Your mental fortitude is impressive, I look forward to seeing your physical abilities."

The use of his Force kept you uncomfortably close to him. Your chest nearly touched his. You wondered what was under the mask, you wondered what he looked like. You wanted to reach out and touch it, and for a moment, your mind betrayed you.

"You will be lucky to ever see me without it, foolish girl." He released his invisible grip on you, your feet touching the cool floor once again. "You should know that I only chose an apprentice to keep the Supreme Council satisfied, and I will not hesitate to remove you if you cross me."

His anger was rising, you could sense it. You had heard of the unspeakable things he had done, and you didn't make it this far to become another victim.

"Yes, Master."

His emotions stabilized, he seemed to enjoy you calling him master.

"Take this." He held out a hand and a pole made of metal flew to his palm. He handed it to you. It was not a lightsaber, but meant to imitate one you presumed. "You are far from being ready to wield the real thing."

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