Chapter 14: Return to the Tempest

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To say you were confused was an understatement. Rey was there. She was in the room there with your parents. Why had no one told you? You were risking your life for years and now training with the Supreme Leader. Working under the First Order for so long, only to have more secrets being kept from you. Rey was strong, and Kylo Ren thought he killed her after he killed Snoke, you all thought he killed her after killing Snoke. She disappeared, and hope was lost.

What was worse, she was discussing the status of your pull in the Force with them. She had no room to talk. For the longest time, everyone was sure Rey was going to take Kylo Ren's hand when he begged her to. Your stomach turned again when you remembered this and you dropped onto your bed again. Kylo Ren begged Rey to join him in the dark side, when she trained with you, before you joined the First Order, she would talk about it sometimes, and you always remembered her saying, there's still light in him, I can feel it.

How dare they assume you are joining the darkside because you had become Kylo Ren's apprentice. Don't they know that you were doing everything you could? Every damn thing I can. Your anger was building, and you weren't able to stop it. I sacrificed my entire life, my childhood, my body for the sake of these people. I only became his apprentice because I had to, not because I wanted to! The biggest betrayal was that they wouldn't just talk to you about it, and instead, talked to a woman that everyone, up to this point, thought was dead and had mourned over.

You looked in your mirror, you had removed the bandage on your head, your hair was tousled all over the place. The sling around your shoulder covered up your white tank top. When you saw your face, you grew even angrier. Your stupid, face. The face of a girl who was fooled by a man in a mask, and the people who had raised her to fool him. Your mirror cracked and you snapped out of your rage.

"Fuck this." You went to the beach, barefoot, sand in your toes.

You felt the breeze brushing against you, entrancing you, grounding you. The moons of Evora were as beautiful as ever, sitting in the sky. You used to count them when you were very young, all five of them. The thought made the corner of your lip curl up.

Your eyes closed, the waves of the beach licked at your toes, your left hand gripped the sand. The Force surrounded you, filling you. You breathed in, focusing your energy on centering yourself. At no point had you felt a pull to the darkside. Of course you had been experiencing a flurry of emotions, but not once did you worry that you were turning. To you, your heart still felt pure, and full of light.

You reached out, hoping, praying, and then you saw him. It was for only a moment. His eyes were closed, he was hooked up to machines. His chest was moving slowly. You reached out, wishing to touch it. Your fingertips grazed his skin, and then to your shock, his eyes opened. He saw you, and you saw him.

"Sidrienne, NO!" Your father's voice split through the night, pulling you out of whatever that was.

"Dad!" You turned and looked at him. "Dad I-"

His face was riddled with a mixture of fear and anger. "What are you doing?!"

"Bert, please! You need to stop this!" Your mother wasn't far behind, running onto the beach as well.

You stood up, looking behind you at the empty ocean. Kylo Ren was gone. You turned back to look at them both sharply. "Can you stop yelling at me please?"

"You just connected to him." Your father spat at you. "Are you trying to get the entire Resistance killed?"

"I just wanted to make sure he was dead!" It wasn't a lie.

"Satisfied? Looks like he's well and alive!" His eyes were shining bright under the moonlight, almost appearing to be inflamed with white fire.

"Do you know what this means?" You asked, stepping up closer to your father, doing your best to look stronger than you felt.

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