Chapter 24: Torn

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It wasn't often that the Finalizer was moved. It took more resources, time and effort than flying something like the Command Shuttle, but it was effective at moving large amounts of troops and weaponry all at once. The ship was alive with the sounds of the First Order readying for takeoff. You had heard it mentioned that it would take only a few days before they got to Evora, that gave you plenty of time to try and reach Rey.

It was a lie to say you wanted the Rebels all dead. The thought of the entire Resistance being destroyed killed you inside. There must still be light inside me. As hard as it was for you to admit, you didn't want them to win either, that would mean the death of Kylo Ren, and it was clear to you that even though you should want him dead, you didn't.

You were standing next to the Supreme Leader in the observation room, overlooking hangar four. It was easy to forget when you spent so much time in the same few rooms and corridors just how many people were on board. You noticed his mask on a nearby table, and longed immediately for him to face you.

"This could be the end of the Rebellion." He started, turning to look at you. "When we are rid of them once and for all, and I've destroyed every planet that harbors Resistance sympathizers, we will establish a new order over the galaxy." You didn't know what to say. It was hard to understand what someone with that much power would even do. Once you were at the top, what was left to do? "I can't possibly command everything on my own. Will you help me?"

Your eyes felt like saucers, what was he talking about? "I'm not sure I understand, Master. I'm here to serve you as your apprentice." What would someone like him even need help with?

"I know, and you've been doing well." He looked back out the window. You could see his jaw clenching again. He seemed to do that often these days. "I will finish your training, and then you will become Supreme Commander. You will get your own ship, similar to the Tempest, and help command my armies. Everyone will bow before you as they do me."

"Where will that be? Why wouldn't we stay here on the Finalizer?"

He turned away from you. "When that time comes, you will have no need for my supervision. You will command your fleet on your own."

No, not again. Not him pushing you away for the hundredth time. You had no desire to command anything without him at least in the same system as you. Did this have something to do with the nightmare you had? Or was it something else? He still never told you about what he saw several nights ago when you slept with him. You could tell by his stern look that there would be no arguing with him, and this was probably supposed to be an honor.

"Yes, Master." You said obediently, damning your bottom lip for shaking.

"I told you to let go of whatever feelings you have toward me." He kept his back to you as he put his mask back on. "You are here to learn the Force, and command the First Order with me." He must've heard the conflict inside you.

"I understand, Master." Your hands turned to fists at your sides.

You were so tired of him shutting you out. "Stay here, oversee the preparations. I'll see you tonight."

In a whir of black cloth he was gone, and you were left overlooking the hangar. You had to find a way to reach Rey. You focused, closing your eyes tightly, saying her name over and over. You had never done this before, and didn't know the first thing about how to do it, but you were desperate, and had to try. She wasn't going to reach out to you on her own anyway, you were pretty sure she was still upset with you.


You gasped. It worked. You turned, she stood in front of you, your friend, your enemy. She didn't look overjoyed to see you, but she was there, and that's all that mattered.

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