Chapter 19: Make your Choice

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TW: Sex, degrading/verbal abuse, slapping, the usual - all consensual :)

"You've been a good girl while I was gone."

You were on his bed, despite yourself, nothing blocking you from the air around you. You kept your eyes on the ceiling, avoiding his gaze. In your heart, you knew if you looked at him, you would struggle to keep the emotions down that you've been harboring since you spoke with him earlier.

"I was...really mean, Master, to some of the crew members." You recalled your treatment of Captain Cole Liprain, and how you had spoken to some of the other troopers in your anger. You had even berated one of the servers who brought you food. If this was Kylo Ren's idea of a good girl...who were you kidding? Of course that was his idea of a good girl.

"It's important that the First Order respect you, as they respect me, if I'm not on board."

He approached the bed, he had left the lightsaber back on the table. You weren't sure how he professed to make you "earn" it, but you were going to do what you had to, to get your hands on that saber. As if you didn't want him regardless of the reward, but it made you feel better to think that at least there would be something additional for you at the end of this.

He was still shirtless, and in his hands had a belt. As he got close to you, you held your hands out, ready for him to tie it around you. What you weren't expecting was for him to string it around the headboard before tying it around your wrists. You were helpless, and at his mercy once again, and your body was screaming for him to touch it.

"Tell me..." He started, trailing his large hand down from your collarbone to your right breast, squeezing it tightly. "Do you know who was in my room while I was gone?"

You shook your head, "no, Master."

He full palm slapped your tit, you grunted in response. A wave of pleasure straight to your groin accompanied the slap. The fact that pain and pleasure was such an erotic combination to you was something you never anticipated, but Kylo Ren knew how to break anything you had previously thought to be true. Another harsh strike to your other breast forced you to throw your head back. You squirmed your thighs, feeling the wetness beginning to leak out of you, begging for any little sensation to touch your clitoris.

"You wouldn't be lying to me, would you?" His eyes searched over you, looking for any indication of falsehood.

You shook your head once again. "No, Master, I learned my lesson."

You were panting, and internally begging for him to ravage you. It made you mad to even be thinking about him and what you wanted him to do to you, knowing he was just going to push you away at the end of it. He pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, causing you to forget any feeling you had other than pure ecstasy.

He climbed on top of you, straddling your hips. The feeling of his pants against your sex forced your hips upward. He leaned forward, lips caressing your forehead. You closed your eyes. He worked his way down to your nose, and then to your lips. You leaned into it, opening your mouth to allow his tongue entrance. His hand continued working on your tit, alternating between squeezing and toying with your nipple. You moaned against his mouth, hoping that this moment would last forever.

When he released your mouth, you immediately missed it, wishing for him to go back. He continued moving his suctioning lips down your neck to your desperate nipples. His teeth teased at them, pulling them and suckling on them fervently. You almost didn't notice the hand that had reached down and began circling your greedy clit. You were lurching, moaning, breathing rapidly.

"You-" he panted, pulling his free hand up around your throat. "You are so stupid, aren't you?" He was squeezing tightly, and the throbbing in your clitoris intensified as a result.

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