Chapter 2: New Life As Parents

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A/N - Hey guys! Been sooo long! I've been so busy with my new job and other things but I tried to get this chapter out for y'all. I still may be on my break from the story but maybe I'll release a new chapter every few or several weeks idk. It could be sooner but I really just want to update this when I feel like it instead of just burning myself out pumping out chapter after chapter like I did with LIY and HIY.


It's his birthday and I try to release a new chapter of some sort on this day. Good news at end of chapter so please be sure to read it.

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 2: New Life As Parents

"Naruta... Nisaki..." Naruto was in the middle of wiping the babies' behind. "What did Daddy tell you? No more pooping in your diaper and making him wipe it all. You're at that age now where you can go to the bathroom yourself and wipe yourself."

"Naruto... they're only a day old," Nia breathed as she sat in the hospital bed.

"Sweet Nia, don't make excuses for them."

Suddenly Nisaki started to cry.

"GAH! BABY GIRL!" Naruto freaked out.

"Oh Naruto, you gotta hurry up and put her diaper on, pants on, then swaddle her in her blanket. She's probably cold right now," Nia informed the blond.

"Daddy's doing his best! He's doing his best for you, sweet angels!" Naruto hurried and did as instructed. "Good thing Daddy practiced putting a diaper on stuffed animals some more just days or weeks before you two were born. He got himself prepared to change you babies' diapy, ya know?"

With Nisaki swaddled in her blanket, Naruto turned his attention to Naruta, who was staring at him.

"Angel?" Naruto stared back.

The longer he did, the more upset Naruta became.

"Waaaaah!" she started to cry.

"WAIT! DADDY'S BABY! WHAT DID HE DO?!" Naruto hollered.

"Waaaaaah!" Naruta only continued to cry.


"Naruto..." Nia sighed.

"Nia, tell me what's wrong with her?"

"I don't know but maybe you need to get your face out of her face and lower your voice. You gotta remember... babies are very sensitive, honeybun..."

"Naruta, daddy's so sorry about what he did," the blond apologized.

He backed his face away and lowered his voice. Soon, Naruta's crying came to a stop.

"Naruto?" Nia called.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Bring Naruta here. It's time for me to breastfeed her again."

"Yeah... okay. On it."

Naruta quickly handed the quiet girl to her mom. Nia positioned the baby where she needed her to be and lifted her shirt up. It didn't take long for Naruta to latch onto her mother.

"It's much easier to feed Naruta," Nia said. "She seems like she really loves when it's time for her meal. Nisaki, on the other hand... it takes a lot of patience for her to just suck my nipple since she resists it at first, but once she does get ahold of it, she sucks it for a while."

"Daddy's babies are just so precious," Naruto smiled.

"I wish we could bring them home right now."

"We just need to be patient. Sakura said we'd be able to take them home within the next couple days."

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