Deleting my Stories? (IMPORTANT)

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Hey guys... so for the past few days, something has heavily been weighing on my mind. It's my fanfiction. All of them but mainly my naruto one.

So, before you freak out, let me explain. So, remember how I was telling y'all that one of my goals is to be a published author? Hopefully... a successful author at that?

Well, lately, I've been looking at some videos on YouTube about famous authors being cancelled... due to their previous fanfics they wrote years ago. The material that was in them and just what they wrote about. My stories are pretty mature—especially my Naruto series. They're very wild and even at times, may be very inappropriate or controversial to the point where I could get cancelled badly 💀

I'm honestly surprised I haven't gotten cancelled on this site yet tbh. However, I feel like if I do achieve my goals in the future regarding being an author, these fanfics of mine will come back to haunt me. Fan-fictions... I started as a freaking 13-16 year old kid.

Granted, I still do write them as an adult, though I try to not make it so... absurd. I think I finished Light In You when I was 18? And I think I had Naruto and Nia start out at 16-17, so back then, me writing the lemons were pretty justifiable in that book bc I was basically the same age as the characters. Later on, as I started to write the bonus chapters, I was probably around 19-20? Anyway, so the bonus chapters are very sexual and stuff and honestly I wrote them because... I think I was just trying to give the more kinky readers some more chapters they can go to enjoy 💀 and bc if you look at my most POPULAR chapters in my series besides the beginning of each book, the ones that have the most reads is my freaking LEMONS or naughty chapters 😭 like I'm not even playing.

My freaking first lemon has like 10 or 11 THOUSAND READS rn. Anyway, I've known of the show Naruto since I was literally like 5 or 6. I've always known of the characters and that they were all like 12-13... which was older than me at the time. However, when I was 16, I started watching Shippuden and as you all know, at that age, I started having a crush on Naruto, who, in the show was the same age as well. But this is the thing... while we grow up to be adults in a natural way, anime characters don't age the same. For obvious reasons. They're not real lol

So, to me, since I was introduced to Naruto as a 5 year old and he was like 12-13 and started having a crush on him when I was 16 and he was nearly 17, I always viewed him as being OLDER than me. Like everytime I look or think of him, I always see a character who I sort of... "grew up with"? Who... I've fantasized and looked up to since I was a child lol. When I see his Shippuden self, I feel 16 still bc I liked him at that age.

Think of it like this... you know how if you started watching the show as a kid, you always saw Kakashi as like that character who's way older than you but then when you grow up and get to be 26-28 like him, you're like, "what the hell? I'm his age/older than him. I feel so old" and you still feel as though he's older than you bc that's how you known him as being your whole childhood?

Or like, let's say you've been dating your bf/gf since you were 16 and like when you think back when you first dated them, now that you're an adult, you still find them attractive bc you met them at that age of 16. You remember how attractive they were when you first met and you look back at the picture of y'all together and are like, "man, I remember when they were so fine"?

That's basically me with Naruto 💀 I think back to how attractive I found him at 16. But that's ONLY him bc I was into him as a TEEN. Obviously, I ain't attracted to 16 year olds anymore cause I grew up. I'm a whole adult. I only like men my age. If you're a normal person and not some pedo, as you grow up, you clearly stay attracted to people your age or older, too.

ANYWAY, ever since I turned 18, I've only ever thought of the characters in my fanfic to be EIGHTEEN AND OVER. No longer did I want to write them as teenagers nor did I view them as underage. I only started them as underage bc I WAS underage when I started the story. That's why I was so QUICK to age them up at the end of Light In You bc I don't want to write adult/sexual content with characters who are stated to be underage in MY fanfic. I'm not talking about the show itself. In the show, yes they underage, but in MY story, they're over 18. That's how you should view ALL my Naruto stories.

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