Chapter 14: Naruto Returns

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A/N - Hey guys! Welcome to another chapter! I tried to get this one out as soon as possible.

Please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 14: Naruto Returns

"Oh Naruto... you're back! You're back!" Nia hugged the blond as soon as he stepped into the village with his team.

"Little Nia!" he blushed, holding her in return.

"Took you guys long enough," Ino, who stood next to Nia while holding the twins, spoke.

Naruto's ears perked when he heard little Nisaki wailing.

"DADDY'S BABY!" he rushed over to her and lifted her in his arms. "Daddy's here! Daddy's here! Daddy's HERE, YA KNOW!"

He proceeded to kiss the baby all over her face. Because she recognized his voice and kisses, Nisaki eventually calmed down. She was happy to be in her daddy's arms again.

Naruto then looked to Naruta, who was gazing all around her, not really focused on anything. She, too, received many kisses and love from her daddy. Naruto held her in his other arm.

"You sure are something else with your little girls, Naruto," Sakura commented, walking up to look at the babies.

"It's only typical for him to act like that now that he's a father," Yamato responded.

Sai only stared at the twins. Naruta stared back at him before crying moments later.

"GYA! SWEETHEART!" Naruto freaked out before realizing the problem. "SAI! Get your stupid face out of her view! You're making her cry!"

"But she has... your face."

"You tryna say my little babies look stupid?! You wanna pick a fight or something?!"

"Baby, calm down... I'm sure that's not what he means..." Nia rested her hand on her boyfriend's arm.

"They do look more like you, Naruto," Ino agreed.

"I think they look both like Naruto and Nia," Sakura replied. "I mean, their shade and hair texture is a mix between theirs, they have Nia's hair color, and Naruto's eye color and whiskers."

"Daddy's little girls are so beautiful, aren't they?" Naruto cooed, rubbing his nose on the babies' noses.

The babies responded by making a gurgling sound, shocking their daddy.

"Nia! Did you hear that?!" Naruto's eyes shot up.

"Yes," Nia smiled. "They've recently started cooing while you were away."

"And daddy can see that they've gotten a little bigger from the last time he's seen them, too, ya know."

Naruto then pouted.

"Daddy missed out on you girls..."

"Don't worry about it, baby. You were out on a mission trying to earn money to take care of us."

"You should be getting a handsome amount of money after this past mission," Yamato said kindly. "After all, Lord sixth gave you a more deserving raise than you had before. I believe he's paying you the same as a jonin now, like everyone else."

"What?! For real?! Does that mean since he's paying me like a jonin, I'm now a jonin?!" Naruto's eyes sparkled.

"No chance," Sakura waved her hand. "You're not even a chunin at the very least."

"Yeah. What makes you think you can just jump ahead of the pack when you haven't completed at least the chunin exams, Naruto?" Ino scolded.

"My hero saved the entire world," this offended Nia. "You all better put respect on his name."

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