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Hey guys, so I decided to make this cause last chapter, someone very rudely asked about whether or not I was gonna get to the moon mission soon that was described in the summary.

The answer to that is... Yes! OBVIOUSLY.

However, what I failed to do was write my description to include that this story is mainly focused on the GROWTHS OF NARUTA AND NISAKI! AND OF NARUNIA'S TROUBLED RELATIONSHIP!

I ALWAYS planned for the moon mission to take place at the END of the story. Why? Bc when you're writing a book based on a anime movie, the book will be VERY SHORT! It'll probably take me less than TEN TO FIFTEEN chapters to write. How do I know this? Bc I USED to write a DBZ fanfic based on the MOVIES. One movie is NOT enough to complete a whole book.

You'll blink and it'll be over. Also, I realize I ENJOY to write about the babies. Irl, I LOVE babies and it would suck if I ditched this part of their lives just to hurry up and get to that stupid moon mission that I don't even care about in regards to trash NaruHina 🙄

This is MY story and I will write about what I WANT! If you don't like it, then you can go somewhere else. I write for myself FIRST and FOREMOST. This is my way of dealing with situations in my personal life. And then the people who be complaining are the SAME ones who don't even vote or comment ANYWAY so it's like I'm not losing anything with them leaving.

Yes, I should've adjusted the summary when I realized that the moon mission was happening a lot later and that's on me but there is absolutely NO reason for anyone to be coming up onto my story acting a mess. This is a positive space. I don't allow rude ahh people to be talking crap. If you don't have anything nice to say, then DON'T SAY IT! If you have a concern or want to give feedback then say it with love and respect. You guys are not freaking five years old.

This exactly be the reasons why I be thinking of dropping all my fanfics. Because of the entitlement, disrespect, and ungratefulness from others. I'm tired of that crap. I work way too hard on my stories to be treated like this. I decide when I update. I decide when certain events in the plot will happen. And I decide what I'll WRITE.

If you don't like that, then BYE FELICIA- 🙄

So YES, the moon mission WILL HAPPEN but at the END of STORY. This is a story of mainly THE BABIES GROWTH AND NARUNIA'S TROUBLED RELATIONSHIP!

IF YOU HATE IT, THEN LEAVE! I can see this story being VERY long with family stuff so if you can't handle that, go!

For everyone who'll stay anyway, thank you! I really appreciate you and I'm sorry if you felt misled. I tried to hint at the story being about the babies and NaruNia with the first few sentences of my book description, which is why I said ONE DAY in the following paragraph.

I can try to write another plot or chapters to make the book more engaging but rn I really want to enjoy the babies growing up.

So those are my plans.

Here is a real life version of Nia made by AI as a token of my apology. This is her in Light and Heart In You. In this story, she looks a bit different. Also, just pretend she has a curl on one eyebrow lol

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope I answered your questions regarding the moon mission

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Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope I answered your questions regarding the moon mission. Have a good day ❤️

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