Chapter 34: The Unforeseen Threat

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A/N - Hey guys! Back with another chapter. I hope you really enjoy this one. Also, chapter 2 of Cursed beauty is now out on my TaniaJanae923 account. I hope you all leave some comments and vote on it and add to your libraries. Also follow me on there if you haven't already. It's updated every weekend.

As for this chapter, please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 34: The Unforeseen Threat

The sun rose over the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto stood outside the gates of the village, Nia by his side. As they prepared to embark on their latest assignment, Naruto couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. With his beloved by his side and their twins, Naruta and Nisaki, snugly wrapped in a carrier against their chests, he felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

Shikamaru approached them with a scroll in hand. "Here's the mission briefing," he said, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility. "We've been tasked with investigating reports of suspicious activity near the border of the Land of Fire. Our objective is to gather intelligence and neutralize any potential threats."

Naruto nodded, his expression serious. "Understood, Shikamaru. Let's get moving."

Shikamaru placed a hand on his hip. "Man, are you guys sure you wanna take the babies with you. This can get bad real fast."

"Well, we have no one to watch over them. Everyone else is on missions," Naruto said.

"I know, but still... Why doesn't Nia stay at home then?"

"Because she's needed for the mission," Naruto said. "Besides, I'm not leaving their side at any point of time. I'm protecting them with my life."

"This seems very irresponsible, but whatever. I'll do my part to protect them too then," Shikamaru replied.

With their preparations complete, the trio set out from the village gates, their footsteps echoing on the dirt path. Naruto kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, his senses alert for any sign of danger. Beside him, Nia remained close, her presence a source of comfort and strength.

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, Shikamaru led the way, his keen intellect guiding them towards their destination. Along the way, they encountered various obstacles and challenges, but with their combined strength and determination, they overcame each one with ease.

Hours passed as they traveled, the sun climbing higher in the sky with each passing moment. Despite the weight of their mission, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as he walked alongside Nia, their twins nestled snugly against their chests. Thankfully they were asleep and didn't make a fuss.

At last, they reached their destination: a clearing bathed in dappled sunlight, its beauty belying the danger that lurked within. Shikamaru signaled for them to stop, his expression grave as he surveyed the area.

"We're close," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the rustle of leaves. "Stay sharp."

Naruto nodded, his muscles tensing in anticipation. With Nia and the twins by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they crept forward, they spotted a group of figures gathered in the center of the clearing, their movements tense and wary. Naruto's heart quickened as he recognized the telltale signs of rogue ninja.

Without hesitation, Naruto turned to Nia, his expression grave. "Nia, take the twins and hide. I'll protect you both."

Nia nodded, her eyes filled with trust and determination. "Be careful, baby."

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