Chapter 4: Hinata... The Uninvited Guest

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A/N - Hey guys! Welcome to another chapter! I had enough time to write this for you all so here you go. Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 4: Hinata... The Uninvited Guest

Four days old and the babies were already the talk of the village. Many were coming over to Naruto's to congratulate him and see Naruta and Nisaki. His and Nia's friends also spent time with the babies and bought even more gifts for the girls.

Currently, the friend group were hanging out throughout the house just vibing and speaking amongst another.

"Aww! Aren't you two the cutest!" Ino lifted Nisaki in the air while Tenten held onto Naruta.

Since Ino was not Naruto, Nisaki cried.

"I-I'm sorry," Nia apologized. "It seems she only likes it when her daddy is holding her."

"At least Naruta doesn't mind people holding her," Tenten smiled.

Naruta only stared at the girl.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and Nia went to get the door. However, when she opened it, her smile fell.

There was a silence that fell between her and the other person.

"What... are you doing here?" Nia was annoyed. "You're not allowed here... Hinata."

"Please, just let me speak. I just-"

"No. I don't want you near me, my babies, and definitely not around my soon to be husband."

"Naruto... I... I haven't spoken to him in months," Hinata said.

"And it's gonna stay like that cause I told him he can no longer be friends with you."

"You said what?"

"Don't act surprised," Nia rolled her eyes. "Why would I allow MY MAN to be friends with a woman who intends to steal him from me?!"

"Naruto and I have been friends since childhood," Hinata claimed. "It's not fair for you to just get him to stop talking to m-"

"Hinata," Nia interrupted. "As I said... why the HELL would I allow MY MAN to be friends with a woman who INTENDS to STEAL him away from me?! I don't give a damn if y'all been friends since childhood. You came in trying to destroy my relationship and for that, Naruto don't need to be around you."

"You can't just force him not to talk to me anymore, Nia."

"Oh yes I can! Girl... you act like just cause you had your little eye on him since y'all were toddlers or just because you're beautiful with big ol' titties and have a nice, petite body means you automatically deserve whoever you want. Well, newsflash hoe! You lost your chance and have no one to blame but yourself! It's not my fault you didn't talk to him or tried to get close to him! Listen, you don't see me still whining over some boy I lost my chance with cause I was too shy to talk to him. No! I grew up and moved on from that trash! You need to do the same! Naruto is a TAKEN man! He's even a FATHER now!"

"I want to speak to Naruto!" Hinata took a step forward, trying to get in the house.

"Girl, back the hell up," Nia got in her way. "Just take your L and step on somewhere. Naruto's MY boyfriend and father of MY baby girls! You are NOT allowed to be his friend. You lost your chance to be so."

"Narutooo!" Hinata hollered.

Immediately, Nia shut her door and stayed outside.

"Hinata! Go on somewhere! I told you already you're not welcomed here!"

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