Chapter 20: Do You Accept Me For Life?

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A/N - Hey guys! Felt like writing another chapter for you all. Remember, the NaruNia manga is out in Light in You.

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 20: Do You Accept Me For Life?

"Sweetheart, you know... I feel really sorry that I don't make you feel secure in this relationship," Naruto apologized as he and Nia sat in the bathtub filled with bubbles; him behind Nia as Nia's back laid on his chest.

"?" Nia glanced over her shoulder.

"I'm sure you only feel that way... because I have a hard time telling others to back off. I really love you, but I just don't really say anything with other women because I feel as though it's not their intention to take me away from you, ya know?"

Nia sighed.

"But baby, it IS their intention to do just that. I mean, why wouldn't they? You're handsome, athletic, strong, you saved the village from Pain and even more so, saved the entire world during the war. You're freaking amazing, Uzumaki, and that's why these women want you. They'd do anything to snatch a man like you up. And honestly, I can't even blame them. I'm completely smitten with you also because of how great of a man you are."

"Nia..." Naruto was touched.

"Baby, I understand that loads of people are trying to show their appreciation for you saving the world and that you're a really popular guy, but honestly, it's just me. I can't help but to be jealous when other women want to devour you like hungry piranhas. I'm not used to having a man that every woman wants... well actually, scratch that, I did usually have crushes on men that other women like. It's really annoying because due to the better and prettier contenders, I never win a man's heart. I guess that's partly why I feel so insecure all the time. Because I always lose when it comes to winning over a man's heart."

"You... won my heart," Naruto wrapped his arms around the girl.

"I know, but it's only because... unlike other men, you're very kind and amazingly accepting. If you were just some regular everyday kinda dude, you would've never noticed me. My looks are so unfortunate that I typically have to find someone with an abnormally kind and accepting heart. That's the only way I can obtain someone cause not even your regular everyday dude would wanna be caught dead with me," Nia shared.

Naruto breathed heavily.

"Don't say that. Even if we weren't together, there's other men who would've wanted to be with you, no matter what you look like."

"That's... not true, Uzumaki. Before you, no one's ever wanted a relationship with me. Not even for me to look in their direction. I've just... never been the girl that men like. It's just... cold... hard facts, honeybun."

"Sweetheart, don't be like that. You were always worthy of being in a relationship and having someone to love you. It's not always about looks. I told you that a million times, ya know."

"I'm just saying it as it is, baby. Men CARE about looks. WAY more than females. Why do you think women are pressured to be beautiful? Because our looks are considered to be tied to our worth. It's just the damn honest truth. Women are treated based on how pretty, fit, and the size of her assets are. Denying it is not helping at all. That's why women suffer from things like eating disorders, depression, or like me, body dysmorphia. Because we're expected to be stunning 24/7 and if you're ugly or fat or god forbid, both, you're considered worthless in the eyes of others—ESPECIALLY men."

"I don't like that way of thinking, sweetie. Not every man is shallow. Not every man will think you're ugly."

"I lived my whole life KNOWING AND EXPERIENCING nobody ever finding me attractive or worthy of being in a relationship with because of my looks," Nia folded her arms.

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