Chapter 17: Another Baby?

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A/N - Heyyy guys. I'm back with another update. For the past month, I've been taking the time to reflect on my writing and what to do with both my fanfic and especially my original stories I had ideas for and came to something helpful that helps me to get my creative juices flowing. I've recently started writing a brand new original story that I believe I can stick through and it's turning out very nicely.

I don't know when if I should ask for more beta readers right now or when I complete the story altogether. Hopefully, it'll be done quickly.

Also, NaruNia day was a few days ago and in celebration of it, I wanted to share a couple fanart made by LenaCringe on Instagram/deviantart.

Also, NaruNia day was a few days ago and in celebration of it, I wanted to share a couple fanart made by LenaCringe on Instagram/deviantart

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Aren't they beautiful ??? What do y'all think of it?

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Aren't they beautiful ??? What do y'all think of it?

Anyway as always, please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 17: Another Baby?

Everyone headed to the hot springs, separated male and female. The girls talked to one another as Nia laid low in the water, her nose nearly touching it. She was staring at Hinata, who was also in her own head.

I can't stand it... the way I feel when I see her. I just feel... so pathetic compared to her. She always... makes me feel so insecure about myself. It doesn't even matter that I have the man. I don't like the way I feel when I see her.

Nia lowered her eyes.

It's just... she's always so perfect. Like her face, her hair, her body. Realistically, she's just so much more attractive than me and when I think about it, it puts me down. Even her personality is basically like this Mary Sue type character or something. It really hurts me when I think she's a better match for Naruto than how I ever could be. I mean, I love Naruto to death. I'd do practically anything for him, but I know... Hinata's probably just as crazy for him...

Nia continued to think to herself.

Her biggest mistake was not talking to him though. At first, I was extremely scared to say something to him, but unlike her, I've already experienced the huge pain of not talking to my crushes and seeing them get taken away by another girl. After so much pain, I promised myself... that when I'm attracted to someone... I won't let my shyness stop me from talking with him. Do I need a reason to approach a guy before saying something to him still? Yeah, but I'd like to think I'm better than I was as a young teen.

She could've had Naruto had she tried to speak to him, but because she didn't, I took advantage of my situation and got to know him and he turned out to return my feelings and give me an actual chance. The only thing I hate is that sometimes I feel as though a few of our friends believe I stole him from Hinata... that I somehow don't deserve him, but the thing is.. I do deserve him. I deserve Naruto like crazy. I've done so much for that guy and stuck by his side through the good and ugly. I've shown the capacity of my love and I hate that others try to make me feel bad about me being with him because of Hinata.

She should've done something. Me, I can't take watching the man I love get snatched up over and over. I have to TRY. Even if I get rejected. And ya, Naruto probably is too good for me but why should I complain now? I won him over, didn't I? I need to count my lucky stars! That was definitely a miracle from the ninja heavens. I can't believe that guy is mine. Absolutely incredible.

"Excuse me, ladies, but I have a message for one of you," a young woman appeared inside the bathing area. "Apparently, the hero in this village wants to continue his bath with I believe her name is... Nia Umino?"

"Kya!" Nia blushed heavily. "My hero really brought you out here to say that?"

"Indeed, he has. He says to meet him in the private mixed bathing area."

Nia's cheeks burned. The other girls giggled, all except Hinata, who pierced daggers into her soul. Nia frowned and whipped away, standing out of the water, wrapping her towel around her.

Even though she regularly took baths with the other kunoichi, she still felt uncomfortable displaying her body for everyone, male or female, to see. She was that of a rather modest woman.

Approaching where Naruto was, Nia's heart fluttered in her chest. She remembered how wild their bathing experiences would be whenever they'd go in together and hoped, nothing too crazy would occur.

Naruto waited for her in the dressing room. Nia saw him in all his naked glory and like always, her cheeks flushed at the sight of him.

"Oh Naruto..."

"Sweetheart!" Naruto grinned, in a hurry to make his way over to her. "You came."

"Oh baby, I thought you wanted us to take baths with our friends of the same gender?"

"Yeah, but then I realized that I really need to hold you."

"Hold me?"

Naruto nodded and approached Nia, wrapping his arms around her.

"You know it's hard for me to be separated from you. My heart aches when we're apart, ya know?"

"Oh Naruto..." Nia smiled in his embrace.

"The guys wouldn't stop talking about when and if we'd get married. I told them I definitely want to tie the knot with you at some point. I just don't know when."

"Baby, I wanna get married as soon as possible."

"I know, beautiful, but there's probably a lot of things to consider. Like money issues and stuff and us finding a way to provide for our little girls. You told me that yourself."

"I know, honeybun, but still. I can't stop thinking of walking down the aisle to you and sealing our bond for life."

Naruto kissed the top of Nia's head.

"It'll happen. We just need to be patient and figure out our situation. For example, I need you to get pregnant with my son first and give birth to him."

"Kya! N-Naruto, we talked about this already. I'm not ready to have another baby."

"Baby first, Nia."

"No, honeybun."

"Yes!" Naruto squeezed Nia tighter to him.

Nia's heart drummed in her chest.

"Baby, I'm putting my foot down."

"And I'm putting my foot down, too, ya know! Naruto jr is coming into our lives!" Naruto said.

"Naruto jr? Absolutely not!" Nia shook her head.

"Beautiful, this is not the time to argue with your hero. He wants a boy."

"Even if I did get pregnant, there's still a chance the baby will be a girl, Uzumaki."

"Which would be beautiful, but we'll keep trying for a baby boy."

"I'm not even gonna dive into that so I'm just gonna drop this conversation. Let's just go take our baths and take our minds off of that right now."

Naruto made a slight pout.

"If you say so..."

So then, the couple went to relax in the springs together, their slight tension fading as they spent time with one another.


A/N - End of chapter! Please remember to leave some comments and vote and have a great rest of your day ❤️


1. Fave Part?

2. Fave Line?

3. Do you think Nia should get pregnant with a baby boy? Why or why not?

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