Chapter 24: Nia Attacked

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A/N - Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! The last 2 weeks, I've been extremely busy. I recently celebrated a birthday and I was doing some housework for a large period of time while trying my best to write this chapter. This chapter is nearly 3,000 words longer than usual so I really hope you enjoy.

Please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 24: Nia Attacked

"But I swear to you that I am MADLY in love with her," Naruto proclaimed as he and Shikamaru were talking in Shikamaru's room.

"I hear you," the Nara nodded.

"It just drives me crazy how Nia just assumes I don't wanna be with her or that I want another girl over her."

"In all honesty, she did tell you over and over that she doesn't feel comfortable with you hanging around Hinata or speaking with her, man."

"But that's what I don't understand, Shikamaru! Hinata doesn't even like me in that way. She only came to see me because it's been SO long since her and I spoken. Hinata is my friend! I do not get why Nia is so something else about her. Her insecurity drives me nuts sometimes, I swear!"

"Naruto, if you want Nia to stay as your girlfriend, you've got to respect when she doesn't want you speaking with another woman. You know how women are. They get all moody when other girls show interest in their guy. Besides, it's not like she's telling you to stop talking to women in general, just those she feels uncomfortable wit-"

"Threatened by," Naruto felt he corrected his friend.

Shikamaru sighed. "Listen, all I'm saying is that Nia is a very sensitive girl. She loves you with all her heart and I know without a doubt she's in a world of hurt whenever she feels like you're slipping from her fingers."

"Ugh!" Naruto sat on the sofa, his elbows on his knees and cheeks in his palms. "All I want... is for Nia to feel secure with me. To feel happy, but it's always just like... she's constantly sad and feels hurt all the time. I try my best to comfort her and be there for her, but it's like... nothing I do or say works. It's just... so frustrating."

"She has her own trauma she finds extremely difficult to get passed."

"I know..." Naruto closed his eyes. "I just... just don't know if..."

"You can be with her?"

Naruto inhaled deeply. "I don't wanna give up on sweet Nia. I just... love her... so much. We've been through too much for our relationship to crumble like this. I wanna be with her. I want to marry her one day, ya know."

"But you two have been very stressed with one another. Are you sure you can keep putting up with that?" Shikamaru questioned.

"Every relationship has their ups and down. I didn't get into this thinking everything was gonna be sunshine and rainbows. That Nia would be perfect or always be a ray of sunshine or that she doesn't have her own issues or flaws. I known early on that dating her was gonna be hard at times... mainly because of how much others detest her for the dumbest of things. Always nitpicking her every flaw and not appreciating her for how actually amazing she is. I'm just so tired of her getting tore down by others and them not giving her a chance. Nia is a kindhearted, tortured soul. She's been through so much stuff she doesn't deserve. I'm just so irritated and disgusted by how others treat her. I get so mad, I can't stop shaking sometimes. I am deeply in love with her. Seriously."

"It always does seem like... no one likes her."

"They're just assholes. Treating someone bad because of their appearance and their unique personality. I'm so sick of everyone sometimes. Find a hobby or something and leave her alone. Never have anything good to say about my little Nia. She is beautiful and they just hate her for ridiculous reasons. UGH!"

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