Chapter 15: Kiba Visits (P.S. Special NaruNia Vids At End Of Chapter)

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A/N - Hey guys! Welcome back to another chapter! Down in the author's note, I have a HUGE surprise for y'all regarding NaruNia. It's amazing!

Please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 15: Kiba Visits

"I don't know, Kiba. I guess, just back then... I felt like I just wasn't good enough. For Naruto, I mean..." Nia admitted as she and Kiba sat on the sofas in the living room at her house.

"I guess it didn't help that I was practically bullying you for your looks either," the Inuzuka breathed.

"I just don't know what it was about Naruto that made me so crazy and obsessed with him. It's just... I always loved the way he made me feel about myself. He made me feel good. He made me feel like I mattered. He made me feel like I was important and beautiful. No one's ever made me feel that way about myself before I met him."

"I hear you... I mean, ya, even I gotta admit that he's a quality guy."

"I just... really love him... for how he helped me out of my deep depression... and for inspiring me to be mentally strong and confident. I love him... with all my heart."

"Wait, so then why did you feel so scared to tell him how you felt back then?"

"It's just... I knew... I wasn't pretty enough. I knew that I was unattractive and overweight and I just felt like... no matter what I'd do, he'd never look my way. I just felt like an ugly, disgusting monster. I truly felt as though I didn't deserve him and even now, sometimes I think, "God, how did I possibly get a guy like him to notice someone as hideous as me?" But then, I try to remember that I am good enough and that I am beautiful and that the entire time, I was deserving of his love."

"I mean... you really are."


"I mean, let's face it. I seen everything you've done for that guy. I mean, he has it so good with you. Sure, your a bit chubby, but the way you're there for him and take care of him and must of all, love him, is just completely out of this world. Everyone who knows you can see how much you really do care for that idiot. Hell, as much as I hated to admit it back when I despised you, even I couldn't deny that fact."

Kiba then petted Akamaru who was next to him.

"Isn't that right, boy? She's too good for Naruto."

Akamaru barked in response.

"Honestly, Naruto sure is lucky to have you, Nia. I know I would've loved to make you mine after seeing everything you do for Naruto. It's enough to make me angry that you had his babies."

Nia smiled and glanced down at the twins as they were on the floor, in their baby pillow beds.

"I'm so lucky to have given birth to his babies..." she replied. "He's been asking if I could give birth to his little boy, too, but I honestly have no idea what to do."

"I thought being in labor and pushing out the twins was very painful to you?"

"It was, but... you see, Naruto's never had a family. I always known he felt envious of me since the very first time he seen my family in the Cloud. He never really got to experience what we all did growing up. Sometimes, I just feel so selfish when I think of not giving birth to more of his babies. It's just, it was too painful. If we could somehow relieve the pain a bit, I'd... have no problem giving birth to his son. I mean... I do wanna give birth to his babies."

Kiba nodded.

"Yeah, I understand, but ultimately it's your body, so you should be the one to decide if you can take on more children or stop."

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