Chapter 9: Diaper Struggle

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A/N - Hey guys! I'm back with another update. This past month has been rather a rollercoaster for me. I started out really stressed but the last couple days, I've felt very relieved of something so I'm doing a bit better.

Please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 9: Diaper Struggle

"Look... how beautiful you are, sweet Nia..." Naruto said as Nia was holding Naruta in her arms.

She immediately blushed and averted her eyes.

"Oh Naruto... but I'm in my pajamas, my hair is messed up, I have an extremely tired face, and-"

"So? You're absolutely gorgeous."


"Nia..." the blond approached her.

Nia kept herself from making eye contact.

"I tell you all the time... it's not about... how you look to me. I... really love you for you, ya know?"

"Oh baby..."

"Nia, look at me," Naruto cupped her chin.

"Hm?" Nia eyed him.

"You really do mean the world to me."

Nia's heart raced.

"I really just think you're an extraordinary person," Naruto told her. "I mean, you're so-"

"Naruto, you don't have to flatter me so much. I mean I know I'm not as amazing as you say I am."

"What?! You're-"

Nia kissed him on his cheek.

"Honestly, it still amazes me that my hero is so nice to me. He doesn't talk bad about me, defends me, and really cares about me. I think you're just one of a kind, Uzumaki. I'm literally the luckiest girl alive to have you."

"Little Nia..." Naruto blushed.

"I just... want to be in his heart. I've always wanted my hero to like me," Nia covered her flushed face in one of her hands, still holding Naruta in the other. "I loved him since I was sixteen and I still love him even now."

Naruto wrapped his arm around the girl, bringing her close.

"I'm so in love with you, ya know..." he pecked her forehead.

Nia's face was on fire. It didn't matter how many times he told her, she'd be red each and every time.

"I can't believe my hero likes me..." she gushed.

Naruto only smiled.

"I feel extremely lucky too, sweetheart."


"I told you before... no one's ever loved me as much as you do. I can't believe my little Nia is in love with me."

"Oh Naruto..."

"Kiss me, beautiful."

Nia shyly pressed her lips against his, then buried her face in the crook of his neck. Naruto reddened even more and squeezed her to him.

"It feels like a dream..." the blond trailed. "To be able to receive love of this magnitude."

"Baby, I'm really not special or anything, so-"

"Stop it, beautiful. You're absolutely incredible."

"My hero is too kind... I'm so in love with him..."

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