Chapter 7: Sweet Reassurance

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A/N - Hey guys! Here's another chapter! There's also a surprise at bottom Author's Note.

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Chapter 7: Sweet Reassurance

"Damn... you're so beautiful," Naruto held onto Nia from behind as they laid in bed together.

"Oh Naruto... you're always so sweet," Nia blushed.

"I love you," the blond whispered.

"I love you, too, baby."

"Holding you in my arms is my favorite thing to do, ya know."

"I really adore you, Uzumaki."

"Sweetheart, turn around."


"Face me, gorgeous..." Naruto told Nia.

Nia listened and did as told. Though Naruto smiled at her, Nia shyly looked down.

"Sweetheart, look at me..." Naruto urged.

Nia kept looking away from him. Naruto cupped her chin and made her lock eyes with him.

"You're so beautiful," he told her. "Absolutely gorgeous, ya know."

"Even with my bonnet, tired face, and pajamas on?" Nia questioned.

Naruto nodded.

"Yes... I love you... just the way you are, ya know."

"Oh Naruto..." Nia blushed heavily. "You're not just telling me what I wanna hear, are you?"

"Never," the blond kissed her forehead. "You really are gorgeous just the way you are..."

"Oh baby... I fight hard everyday to be deserving of your love."

"You were always deserving, gorgeous. I'm the one who needs to fight hard to keep your love."

"But you're always amazing, Uzumaki..."

"Sweet Nia..."

"Naruto, I really do wanna be good enough to win and keep your heart forever..." Nia cuddled up to the blond.

Naruto stroked her cheek.

"Sweetheart, where is this coming from? You were always good enough."

"I... was just thinking about... my possible condition."

"You mean your BDD?"

"Yeah, my body dysmorphic disorder or whatever it's called..."

"What about it?"

"About how... one of the symptoms is... I need a lot of reassurance."


"Doesn't that... bother you?" Nia questioned. "I mean, I know a lot of men would find that VERY annoying."

"Nia..." the blond breathe. "You've been called all sorts of names, made fun of, laughed at, made the butt of jokes, talked about, and treated badly for YEARS... I know firsthand, that could really mess someone up mentally if this happens to them on a daily basis or everytime they go outside. You were practically tortured psychologically and emotionally by even just random strangers that you did nothing to. I mean, seriously, I didn't get picked on for my looks, but I definitely know what it's like to be treated differently and called all sorts of names and being made fun of and laughed at... that stuff honestly really HURT me back then.... It makes complete sense to me why you ended up developing that condition after the amount of bullying you've endured."

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