Chapter 25: Naruto Protects Nia

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A/N - Guess whaaaat y'all! Two major announcements! One, ITS NARUTO'S BIRTHDAAAAY  🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🎂❤️❤️ Happy Birthday to the kindest guy ever ❤️❤️❤️🥳


What's left is that I'm gonna go back and do atleast a couple revisions and edits and then when I'm done with that, I'm gonna reveal the book to y'all and select a few of you to be either beta readers, critique partners, or both and have y'all read the book elsewhere and give good feedback so I can improve the book before I send it out to literary agents. This process might take long so bear with me. I might end up showing the book before I do all the revisions so lol if I do, just please understand lol

With that said, the book won't be posted to wattpad. It only will if no one chooses to champion the book. But cross your fingers this book is the one. If you'd like to get a early heads up on what it's about, you can message me on Instagram at: JanaeH.Wattpad

Anyway, please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 25: Naruto Protects Nia

In his home, Naruto held Nisaki in the air, out of her crib, and made playful faces to amuse her. Sakura, who was babysitting his twins, watched with a mix of concern and frustration.

"Naruto, you really need to sort things out with Nia," she said, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Talking to Hinata behind her back was a terrible idea, and now she's rightfully upset."

Naruto frowned, not fully understanding the gravity of the situation. "I didn't do anything wrong, Sakura. I would never cheat on Nia. I just wanted to clear the air with Hinata, who is my friend."

Sakura shook her head, trying to make him see the reality of the situation. "Intentions aside, Naruto, it hurt Nia deeply. She's already struggling with trust issues and insecurities. You should have been more considerate of her feelings."

Just as their conversation continued, Kurama, the Nine-Tails, grew increasingly insistent in getting Naruto's attention from within him.

"Hey, Naruto," Kurama's voice echoed in Naruto's mind, a sense of urgency evident in his tone.

Naruto ignored him, arguing with Sakura.

"Naruto!" Kurama called again.

Naruto sighed, then finally asked, "What is it? Can't this wait?"

"No, it can't. Something's wrong. I can sense Nia leaving the village and her chakra is fading rapidly. She might be in danger," Kurama warned.

"WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL YOU MEAN SHE MIGHT BE IN DANGER?!" Naruto's eyes widened in alarm. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Fear for Nia's safety gripped him. "Are you sure? How do you know?"

"You remember how there's a select few who are considered to be a jinchuuriki's guardians? As a result, they're almost like a link to you and me. She nice the day I was put inside you, I've been able to sense just who you were fated to be tied to during the course of your life. From you sensei to your lover, I've always could sense their location and at what state they're in, whether alive or fading away.  Trust me, something bad is happening to her. You need to find her," Kurama urged.

"Wait, so if you've always been able to do that, why didn't you ever help me out when my guardians like Nia were in trouble back then, huh?"

"Don't ask stupid questions. You know why I didn't help you back then. Now, hurry up before you lose her. I know just how much she means to you."

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