Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home For Babies

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A/N - Hey guys! New chapter!

Also, I'm looking to be friends with more of my readers on Instagram, so... if you'd like to be friends with me, I don't care about age or anything, when it comes to friendship, I'm willing to be friends with anyone who has a nice personality, just comment down below or shoot me a private message and we can be friends :)

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Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home For Babies

"Waaaaah!" Nisaki cried as Nia was putting her clothes on.

"Oh Nisaki, please just let mommy do this. It's time for you and your sister to come home," Nia pleaded.

Naruta also cried as she was in Naruto's baby carrier that was around his body.

"Daddy's angel, it's okay. You're going home, you're going home today," Naruto told her.

Both babies only continued to fuss.

"Naruto, I don't think the baby we have wants us to carry them. Maybe if we switch babies, they'll stop crying," Nia suggested.

"What? Naruta loves her dadd-"

"Waaaaaaah!" Naruta was pushing against Naruto's chest.

Naruto sighed.

Meanwhile, as Nia was holding Nisaki, the baby pushed against her face.

"See what I mean, honeybun? They want us to switch," Nia told her boyfriend.

"All right, all right. Let's switch babies. Anything to get them to stop crying, ya know," Naruto took Naruta out of his carrier and replaced her with Nisaki.

Nia placed Naruta in her own carrier and almost instantly, both babies settled down.

"It seems like Nisaki likes her daddy more," Nia stared.

"Well, Naruta seems to like you more, sweetheart," Naruto replied.

"All right, you guys..." Sakura then came into their hospital room. "Looks like the babies are set to go, as well as Nia."

"Thank you for all you done for me and our little girls," Nia smiled.

Sakura returned the expression.

"No problem. It was such a pleasure to help deliver them. You all are healthy enough to leave, but just remember all the tips we gave you on how to take care of your twins."

"We'll do our best..." Nia turned to Naruto. "Right, Uzumaki?"

"Absolutely!" he nodded.

"Well, okay! I'll come visit you two in the future! Enjoy your new life as parents!" Sakura grinned. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Naruto and Nia grinned also and walked out the room.

Soon, they'd make it out of the hospital and when they made it to the streets of Konoha, all eyes were on them.

"Naruto! You had babies?!" someone was shocked as they saw the couple carrying their twins.

"Yeah! Aren't they cute?!" Naruto grinned brightly.

"Congratulations, you two!" a woman chirped.

The couple thanked her. On their way back home, the two kept getting stopped by the villagers. They were in awe and excited that the hero of the great ninja war had become a father.

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