Why I Haven't Been Updating

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Hey guys! To all those who have been reading this story and have been waiting for an update, I apologize. Over these past couple months, I've been going through a really hard time with my mental and emotional health. Everyday, I've been trying to fight my demons but I am literally so stressed out and so drained to where I haven't been up to doing anything. It's sad bc I really like to write these stories but I just need to focus on myself for a while and try to get mentally and emotionally better.

On top of that, I've been sick and am trying to recover from that as well. It really is a struggle.

I do plan on continuing this story, I just don't know when I'll officially be back. I already have some of the next chapter written up and I may post it soon, I'm not sure. However, all this stuff just started happening in my life to where I probably need to take time to heal my wounded soul and recover from my sickness.

I pray y'all will be here when I return officially. Until then, thank you for understanding and have a great rest of your day ❤️

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