Chapter 23: Nia Ends Her Relationship With Naruto?

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A/N- Y'all probably so shook at the title. Welp, you'll just have to read to understand.

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Chapter 23: Nia Ends Her Relationship With Naruto?

Nia stood in the doorway, her face flushed with anger and hurt. She couldn't believe what she was seeing—Naruto and Hinata standing close, their hands almost touching, talking intimately. It felt like a stab to her heart, and she struggled to hold back tears.

"N-NIA!" Naruto stammered, his eyes widening in shock as he saw her there.

Nia's fist tightened as she approached them. Her voice quivered with a mix of anger and sadness. "Naruto, what's going on here? Why are you and Hinata talking behind my back?"

Hinata took a step back, her eyes downcast. She knew she had crossed a line by trying to get Naruto alone for herself.

Naruto hurriedly tried to explain, "Nia, it's not what you think. We were just... just talking, ya know."

Nia's anger boiled over, and her voice trembled with emotion. "Just talking? Naruto, I saw you two standing so close, hands almost touching! How am I supposed to believe that nothing else was going on?"

Naruto stepped closer to Nia, his eyes pleading. "Sweetheart, please, you have to believe me. Nothing happened between Hinata and me. We were just talking about... about you."

Nia's heart wrenched at his words, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt. "About me?"

Naruto nodded earnestly. "Yes. Hinata was just expressing her concern about your insecurities, and I was defending you, telling her how much I love and care for you despite any flaws or shortcomings."

Nia's emotions were a turbulent storm, torn between anger, hurt, and confusion. She glared at Naruto, her eyes flashing with frustration. When he attempted to reach out and hug her, she roughly shoved him away, the broken plate fragments crunching beneath her feet.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled.

"Nia, please, just listen to me," Naruto implored, his voice laced with desperation. He could see the pain in her eyes, and he hated himself for causing it.

But before he could continue, Hinata decided to speak up, "Nia, Naruto and I were getting ready to grab some Ichiraku, so—"

Nia's anger reached its boiling point, and she lunged at Hinata with a cry of rage, fists clenched and ready to strike. But Naruto's reflexes were quick, and he managed to grab Nia's arms just in time to prevent her from hurting Hinata.

"Nia, stop!" Naruto's voice was stern, but there was an underlying tone of concern. He held her firmly, making sure she couldn't lash out. "I wasn't gonna go out with her to do anything!"

Hinata stepped back, her eyes wide with shock, realizing that she had pushed Nia to her limits.

"Beautiful, calm down," Naruto urged, his grip on her arms slowly loosening as he felt her resistance wane. "There's no reason for you to fight Hinata."

"S-shut up... shut the hell up, Naruto! You spent all this time talking with her... behind my back! AFTER I TOLD YOU MULTIPLE TIMES NOT TO SPEAK WITH HER AGAIN!"

Nia's breathing was ragged. She pulled away from Naruto's grasp, panting heavily, her fists trembling at her sides.

"I... I just... I can't believe you were talking to her like that," Nia muttered, her voice choked with tears.

Naruto stepped closer to her, his expression full of remorse. "I'm so sorry. I should have been more considerate of your feelings. I promise, nothing inappropriate happened between us. I love you, and you're the only one in my heart, ya know."

Nia's glared harshly at Naruto, his words not enough to quell the storm of emotions inside her. When he reached out to show her affection, thinking it would ease her pain, she didn't hesitate. She roughly slapped him across the face, the sound of the impact echoing in the air, before pushing him away from her.

Naruto staggered back, his hand on his stinging cheek, shock and regret written across his face. But before he could say anything else, Nia turned on her heel and stormed into the house, slamming the door shut behind her and locking it.

Naruto was left standing outside, his heart heavy with guilt and sorrow. He knew he had hurt the woman he loved deeply, and there was no excuse for his thoughtless actions.

Inside the house, Nia went straight to their bedroom, her tears flowing freely now. Her anger was a fiery mix of pain and betrayal. She began grabbing Naruto's clothes and tossing them out of the bedroom window, the fabric landing in a disheveled pile on the ground below.

Each item of clothing she threw out was a physical representation of her hurt and frustration, and with each piece, she felt a small sense of release. She didn't want to see any reminder of Naruto at that moment.

Naruto, standing outside, watched as his clothes were thrown out of the window, the reality of his mistake sinking in.

"If you want to be with Hinata, then go AHEAD!" Nia screamed out the window. "I'm SICK OF YOU! You constantly are disrespecting this relationship and ME! You REFUSE to stop speaking with her! I told you OVER AND OVER how she makes me feel and you NEVER listen!"

"SWEETHEART, STOP IT!" Naruto went to the door, trying to open it, but couldn't. "Open the door right now!"

"You are NOT to come near the babies and I since you wanna run off with another woman!"

"NIA! What're you talking about?! I didn't do anything!"

Inside the bedroom, Nia's anger was still burning hot, but her voice lowered to a trembling whisper as she replied, "You just... you just don't understand, Naruto."

With a final push, she threw the last of his clothes out the window, her shoulders heaving with the effort. She sank to the floor, overwhelmed by her emotions.

Naruto was now on his knees outside the locked door, his forehead pressed against it as he spoke softly, his voice filled with regret and sorrow, "Nia, please, just listen to me. I'm truly sorry for what happened. I never meant to hurt you like this. I want to see the babies and be with you. Please don't let our relationship end this way."

Nia's heart ached, torn between her anger and the love she still felt for Naruto. She knew deep down that she didn't want their relationship to end like this either. But the pain was still raw, and trust needed to be rebuilt.

Naruto continued to plead with her through the locked door, hoping that somehow, his words could bridge the gap between them and heal the wounds he had caused.

"Just... leave me alone, Uzumaki... Go... go be with her since she means that much for you to not stop speaking with her..." Nia croaked, her eyes red from crying and her heart shattered into pieces.


A/N - Daaaaang. That was brutal. Is NaruNia over?

Oop. Please remember to leave some comments and vote and have a great rest of your day ❤️


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