Chapter 31: Nia vs Naruto's Shadow Clones

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A/N - Hey guys! Exciting news! So I found out about some exciting things regarding the publisher I wanna submit my book to. It seems like they could be a perfect fit for me. However, I need to put my best foot forward and gather some more beta readers for my story. The publisher hired a new editor who is perfect for my book and she's currently open for submissions!!! However, I really need more feedback on my book and for at least a few people to read my story within the next two weeks. That would mean at least two-three chapters a day. There's only thirty chapters in my book.

The reason I need yall to read fast is bc idk how long her submissions are gonna be open for and I need time to revise my book one last time before sending it to her. If you guys could help, that'd be GREAT! We may FINALLY get our NaruNia book if that happens eeeep!

Anyway, please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️❤️❤️


Chapter 31: Nia vs Naruto's Shadow Clones

Nia, dressed in her ninja attire, faced a group of Naruto's clones in the training field. The air was charged with anticipation as she began her taijutsu routine, weaving gracefully between the clones. Her movements were fluid, a testament to her training and commitment.

At first, the clones seemed to be matching her pace, mirroring her strikes and blocks. Nia felt a surge of confidence as she landed precise blows, showcasing her mastery of taijutsu. Naruta and Nisaki, seated comfortably in their strollers, watched the spectacle with wide eyes.

However, as the spar continued, the clones gradually upped their game. They began incorporating more advanced maneuvers and strategies, challenging Nia to adapt. The training session evolved into a dance of agility and precision, with the clones pushing her limits.

Nia, determined to prove herself, responded with heightened focus. She dodged, blocked, and counterattacked with finesse, but the clones remained relentless. They showcased coordinated attacks, exploiting openings in her defense without actually striking her.

As Naruto's clones surrounded her, they executed intricate combinations that forced Nia into a defensive stance. Despite her skill, the overwhelming numbers and synchronized movements began to take a toll. The clones were careful not to harm her physically, but their intent was clear – a reminder that improvement was needed.

Naruto, observing the training from a distance, couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and concern. He admired Nia's dedication but also understood the importance of challenging her to grow as a ninja.

Nia, now on the defensive, assessed the situation. Sweat dripped down her forehead as she analyzed the clones' movements. It became apparent that they were not just sparring but strategically pointing out areas where she could enhance her skills.

In a moment of determination, Nia shifted her tactics. With a burst of speed, she executed a series of acrobatic flips and spins, creating openings in the clones' formation. She managed to land a few well-placed strikes, breaking their synchronized rhythm.

The clones, impressed by her adaptability, dispersed momentarily before regrouping with renewed vigor. This time, they incorporated elemental jutsu, creating diversions and testing Nia's ability to handle different types of attacks.

As the training session continued, Nia felt a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. The clones were pushing her to her limits, and she embraced the challenge with a sense of determination. Naruta and Nisaki, still in their strollers, seemed to be observing the spectacle with a combination of curiosity and admiration.

Naruto, sensing that Nia was giving her all, approached the strollers, keeping a watchful eye on the training. "You see that, little ones?" he said, a proud smile on his face. "Your mom is a fierce ninja, always striving to improve. Just like your dad, huh?"

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