Chapter 19: Nia's Warning of Hinata To Naruto

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A/N - Heyyyyy guyssss! EXCITING NEWS. The NaruNia MANGA has been posted over in the recent update of Light In You. FIVE pages have been posted out of the TWENTY so far. Keep in mind, due to unfortunate circumstances, the pages could not be shaded but it still looks good either way.

Depending on the amount of love it gets, meaning comments and votes and reads, I will post the next set of pages for you all to see and read.

Here is a preview of it but without the text bubbles. You'll have to go on over to light in you to read it like I said:

Anyway, please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️

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Anyway, please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 19: Nia's Warning of Hinata To Naruto

"Nia..." Naruto sighed as they sat in a dango shop with their friends. They sat alone together. "Quit giving Hinata a dirty look."

"She's the one that keeps looking over here," Nia said.

"Just ignore it then."

"How am I suppose to ignore when a girl is trying to steal my man, Uzumaki?"

"She's not doing anything."

"She has something up her sleeve, I just know it."

A heavier sigh escaped Naruto's lips.

"What's with this jealousy of yours?" he asked in a serious tone. "Why do you get jealous so easily of every freaking girl?"

"I'm not jealous of every girl. I'm only upset with the ones you've either had a thing with or those who have a thing for you."

"But there's no reason for you to be on edge with anyone when I'm madly in love with you, ya know."




"Nia!" Naruto gently grabbed her chin and made her lock eyes with him. "Look at me. Cut that out."

Nia's eyes filled with sorrow. She turned away from him and crossed her arms.

"I don't like her, Naruto."

"Why don't you like her?"

"I keep telling you why. She keeps trying to steal you away from me."

"Sweetheart, she's not doing anything. Her and I haven't spoken in forever. Why do you freak out about her so much still?"

Nia paused for a moment.

"Because... I don't want her to take you away from me, baby."

"How is she gonna take me away from you? I don't even like her like that. I've literally never even liked her in that way my entire life. I barely even noticed her while I was growing up. You have nothing to worry about, beautiful."

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