Chapter 27: Naruto Trains Nia

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A/N - Hey guys! Awesome news! I'm in the process of finding BETA READERS for my secret NaruNia original story. If you want to find out what the story is about or how to be a beta reader for me or what it requires out of you, check the most recent update before this chapter!

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Chapter 27: Naruto Trains Nia

Nia sighed as she adjusted the headband that held back her unruly hair. The training ground outside their home seemed to stretch endlessly, surrounded by lush greenery and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. Naruto stood across from her, a mischievous glint in his blue eyes.

"Ready, sweetheart?" Naruto grinned, his spiky blond hair catching the sunlight.

"As ready as I can be," Nia replied, though weariness lined her voice. Just having given birth to twins three months prior was no easy feat, and the added exhaustion made every step feel heavier. Not to mention, she was overweight. That of which, didn't help her case at all.

Naruto, ever the optimist, didn't seem to notice her fatigue. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, aiming a playful jab at Nia. She managed to block it, but the force made her stumble back a few steps.

"Come on, you gotta keep up!" Naruto encouraged, his energy seemingly boundless.

Nia gritted her teeth, determination flashing in her eyes. She launched into a series of punches and kicks, trying to mirror the agility she once possessed before the pregnancy. Naruto effortlessly dodged her attacks, his lithe movements a stark contrast to her somewhat slower ones.

As Naruto danced around her, avoiding each strike with ease, a sense of frustration built within Nia. She knew he wasn't going all out, and a part of her wished he'd take her seriously, considering the effort she was putting in despite her tiredness.

With a sudden burst of energy, Nia lunged forward, attempting a more intricate combination of moves. Naruto, displaying his usual acrobatics, evaded every strike with precision. Yet, as he gracefully avoided each attack, he managed to sneak in a quick kiss on her cheek or forehead, leaving Nia both flustered and mildly irritated.

"Naruto, can you take this seriously for a moment?" Nia huffed, wiping her cheek after yet another unexpected peck.

He chuckled, a boyish grin on his face. "What? I'm just adding some flair to our training!"

Nia rolled her eyes, a mixture of amusement and exasperation on her face. "Flair? Seriously?"

Undeterred, Naruto continued his dance, effortlessly dodging Nia's attacks while planting sweet kisses along the way. It became a playful routine, a mix of combat and affection, and despite her initial frustration, Nia couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Okay, okay, maybe I should focus a bit more," Naruto teased, feigning seriousness.

Nia nodded, appreciating the jest but still longing for a more dedicated training session. However, as Naruto adjusted his stance, ready for a more focused approach, he found a way to intertwine their fingers mid-combat, catching Nia off guard.

"Now, this is a new technique I've been working on," he grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Nia couldn't help but laugh, even as Naruto twirled her around in an impromptu dance. It was clear that his playfulness was a deliberate strategy to ease her fatigue and make training a more enjoyable experience.

As the sun cast a warm glow over the training ground, Naruto finally slowed down, releasing Nia from their improvised dance. He cupped her face, looking into her eyes with genuine affection.

"You're doing great, babe," he whispered, his tone sincere. "I know it's tough, but I'm proud of you."

Nia felt a warmth spreading through her, not just from the exertion but from Naruto's words.

Time passed and the sunlight began to mellow as Nia, determined but visibly fatigued, continued her attempts to land a hit on Naruto. Her movements were slower than usual, and the added weight post-pregnancy made each strike more challenging.

Naruto, perceptive as ever, started noticing the strain on Nia. As she threw a punch, he easily sidestepped it, gently grabbing her arm to help her regain balance. "Hey, maybe we should take a break, sweetheart? You seem a bit tired."

Nia hesitated, catching her breath. She knew Naruto was right, but a stubborn part of her wanted to push through. "I can keep going," she insisted, attempting to muster more energy.

Naruto, however, wasn't fooled. "Nia, it's okay to take a break. You've been through a lot recently. Having twins and giving birth is no joke."

Reluctantly, she nodded, allowing Naruto to guide her to the grassy area nearby. As they sat down, she leaned back, staring up at the sky, her chest heaving with each breath. Naruto sat beside her, his expression a mix of concern and understanding.

"You're doing great, you know. Your body just went through something incredible. It's okay to take it slow," Naruto reassured, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Nia managed a weak smile. "I appreciate that, Naruto. But it's not just about having twins. I've gained weight, and it's making everything harder."

Naruto frowned slightly, not wanting Nia to feel disheartened. "Nia, it's normal to have some changes after giving birth. Your body is amazing, and you're doing an incredible job taking care of our twins."

Nia sighed, looking down at the grass. "I know, but I feel like I'm struggling to keep up, and it frustrates me."

Naruto gently lifted her chin, making her meet his gaze. "You're still amazing, Nia. Your strength, your dedication—it's inspiring. And I love you just the way you are."

A tear escaped Nia's eye. Grateful for Naruto's support but battling her own insecurities, she spoke, "I just want to be the best version of myself for you and the twins."

Naruto hugged her, offering comfort. "You already are, Nia. And you're still in the process of becoming even more incredible. Let's take things one step at a time."

They sat there, the cool breeze rustling the leaves around them, a moment of quiet understanding passing between the couple. As Nia continued to catch her breath, she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment in herself.

"I'm sorry," she finally said, breaking the silence. "I know you used to train with people like Sasuke and Sakura, and here I am struggling to keep up."

Naruto frowned, not wanting her to compare herself to others. "Nia, everyone has their own strengths and challenges. You're unique, and that's what makes you special. I love training with you, no matter the pace."

Nia sniffled, wiping away a tear. "I just wish I could be as fast and nimble as you guys."

Naruto considered her words for a moment. "You know, I never really cared about how fast someone could move or how strong their punches were. What matters is the heart and determination behind every action. And yours is the strongest I've ever known."

Nia managed a small smile, appreciating Naruto's attempt to lift her spirits. "You always know what to say, don't you?"

He grinned. "Well, years of being a ninja and fighting to be hokage, it'll teach you a thing or two about words."

As they sat there, the sun dipping lower in the sky, Naruto continued to express his admiration for Nia's resilience and strength. And though she still felt the weight of self-doubt, the warmth of Naruto's love and encouragement wrapped around her like a comforting embrace, reminding her that she was cherished, not just for her abilities, but for the person she was becoming—one step at a time.


A/N - Chapter is done! Let me know if any of you wanna be a beta reader! Please remember to leave some comments and vote and have a great rest of your day ❤️


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