Chapter 26: Naruto's and Nia's Serious Talk About Hinata

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A/N - Heyyy guys!!! It's been a long while, huh? A little over a month. If you're wondering where I've been, I took a break. I dealt with having covid for about a week and was miserable. And also, I was exhausted from having wrote so much working on my original story and this fanfiction for hours on end each day. I... needed a breather.

Honestly, I might still post slow updates but as long as I get them out, it should be fine.

Anyway, please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 26: Naruto's and Nia's Serious Talk About Hinata

Naruto lay in bed, bathed in the soft morning light, nursing the minor battle wounds from the previous day. Gauze and bandages adorned him, and as he shifted, he observed the playpen on the floor. The now three-month-old twins, Naruta and Nisaki, giggled and cooed, their tiny hands reaching out for the world around them. A sense of calm filled the room, a stark contrast to the tumultuous events of the previous day.

Naruto's gaze wandered, realizing Nia was not in the room. Curiosity piqued, he wondered where she might be. Just then, the bedroom door creaked open, revealing Nia with a smile. In her hands, she held a large tray filled with an enticing array of breakfast delights.

"Surprise, Naruto!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Naruto's stomach rumbled in anticipation as he took in the delectable spread. The tray boasted an assortment of breakfast classics, each meticulously prepared with a touch of Nia's culinary flair.

A bowl of piping hot oatmeal, topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey, exuded a comforting aroma. Next to it, a plate of fluffy pancakes awaited, adorned with a colorful array of sliced fruits. The scent of crispy bacon wafted through the air, complemented by a side of perfectly scrambled eggs with chives.

A steaming cup of coffee sat alongside a carafe, the rich aroma enticing Naruto's senses. Nia had even included a selection of freshly squeezed juices, adding a burst of vibrant color to the breakfast tableau.

"Wow, sweetie! This looks incredible, ya know!" Naruto's eyes widened in delight as he beheld the morning feast.

Nia chuckled. "I thought we could enjoy a special breakfast together after everything that happened. You know... as a token... of my apology."

As they settled in, Naruto marveled at Nia's culinary prowess. Each bite was a symphony of flavors, a testament to her creativity in the kitchen. The oatmeal warmed him from the inside, the pancakes were a delightful blend of sweetness and fluffiness, and the bacon added a savory crunch to the ensemble.

Between bites, Naruto stole glances at Nia, appreciating not only the delicious meal but also the effort she had put into making the morning special. As they enjoyed breakfast together, he couldn't shake the feeling of deep appreciation for the life they were building as a family.

"This is amazing. Seriously," the blond praised, savoring a particularly delightful bite of pancake.

Nia beamed, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted to make something special for you."

"Well, you definitely succeeded. Your food is always good... just like you," he teased, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Nia laughed, playfully nudging him. "Flattery will get you more pancakes."

As they continued to enjoy the breakfast feast, Naruto couldn't help but reflect on the simple joy of sharing a morning meal with the woman he loved. The twins, happily babbling in the playpen, added a joyful background soundtrack to the moment.

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