Chapter 21: Nia's Apology To Naruto and Hinata's Unwelcome Knock

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A/N - Hey guys! I'm trying to update at least once a month or two, and if I do it earlier before that then good. I'm still working on my book I told y'all about and am taking a break from it atm, but I should get back to writing it soon. There are things I have been writing for this fanfic series but I'm not sure if I'm gonna share them.

Anyway, please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy 💔


Chapter 21: Nia's Apology To Naruto and Hinata's Unwelcome Knock

"I-I'm sorry I always act a certain way with you, Uzumaki," Nia apologized as she placed Naruto's shirt over his head in their bedroom.

"Don't worry about it. I said it's fine."

"I know but I keep making you think that I'm this overly jealous, overly protective girlfriend who feels like any woman is just gonna snatch you away. You probably think I'm crazy."

"I don't think that at all," Naruto kissed Nia's forehead. "Listen, I get that you're frustrated about women throwing themselves at me. I would be upset too if guys were just always trying to snag you away from me and mess our relationship up. Trust me, I understand."

Nia lowered her eyes. Naruto cupped her chin and pressed his lips against her softly.

"There's no need to worry of what I think. I know you battle with anxiety. I'll do better to make you feel more at ease. I'll tell these women to back off and that you're my bride-to-be."

Nia smiled.

"Thank you, baby. And to be clear, it's not you who makes me uncomfortable. It's the women. I trust you, honeybun. I know you wouldn't destroy our family."

Naruto beamed.

"I hope you understand that I just don't like the idea of... losing you, honeybun. It bothers me when I think of possibly not having you in my life anymore," Nia admitted.

"I'm... afraid to lose you, too. Trust me, like I said, I understand you're dealing with anxiety but that you're doing your best. I just want you to keep fighting, okay?"

Nia's heart melted.

"I have the best, most understanding boyfriend in the world," she wrapped her arms around the blond's midsection. "You really are my hero."

"And you're the woman I wanna marry soon."

Nia blushed then looked downward, her ears burning at the sight of his exposed package.

Seeing this, Naruto smirked.

"You like what you see down there?" he winked.

"Kya! I... I wasn't looking anywhere."

Naruto only reddened.

"We barely have our clothes on after that bath... maybe we could-"

"Baby, if we do it right now, we're gonna have to get in there again."

"I'm... up to it," Naruto smiled as he bit his bottom lip.

Nia's heart pounded. That look was always irresistible to her.

"I... I don't know, baby. I'm still just... trying to recover from all my stress lately. Not to mention, I'm worried about if I'm ready to have sex after two months of having Naruta and Nisaki. I mean, I'm gonna have to follow up with a doctor to make sure I'm good to make love again after having to get stitches."

"Come on, I thought Sakura healed you, ya know."

"I'm just not ready, Uzumaki. I'm sorry."

Naruto sighed.

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