Chapter 32: Naruta Crawls For First Time 🥺

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Chapter one of my new secret NaruNia story, Cursed Beauty, is posted on my other account @TaniaJanae923 RIGHT NOW!

You may be wondering why I decided to post to wattpad. Long story short, I'm too in love with wattpad to not post my stories on here. I kept wondering what I should do with this book and every time I thought of not posting it on here, it just hurt.

Y'all, let's try to make that book as popular as possible so that maybe one day, it can get picked up by wattpad books and get a movie or something LOL that'd be cool ashl.

So please please PLEASE go read that book, VOTE, leave some comments, put to your library, follow me, and SHARE IT WITH OTHERS! Voting and sharing is CRUCIAL to get that book seen.

A lot of you over the last few months have been saying you'd like to support me in some way, so there you go, go do what I told you to do on my other account to show your support. I would very much appreciate it.

There's even a book movie trailer for y'all to see on my other account in that book. It looks good to me. Please watch and lmk what you think of it. Thank you

Now onto this chapter

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Now onto this chapter. You already know what to do. Enjoy ❤️


Chapter 32: Naruta Crawls For First Time 🥺

In the cozy living room of the Uzumaki residence, Naruto found himself on the floor, surrounded by the infectious giggles of his three-month-old twins, Naruta and Nisaki. Naruto, with a genuine smile, engaged in a delightful game of "peek-a-boo" that had the babies erupting in laughter.

"Heeey, where's Daddy?" Naruto cooed, his hands covering his face before quickly revealing it, prompting the babies to burst into joyous laughter. He showered them with affectionate kisses on their tiny cheeks, reveling in the sheer delight emanating from his precious children.

As the babies giggled and squirmed, Naruto marveled at the profound joy they brought into his life. His heart swelled with love for Naruta and Nisaki, and he relished every moment spent in their company. The living room echoed with the sound of their laughter, creating a symphony of happiness.

Meanwhile, in the adjacent bedroom, Nia sat at her writing desk, scroll open, immersed in the world of words. The soft stroke of the quill filled the room as she crafted a novel that had been taking shape in her mind. The rhythmic cadence of her typing reflected the passion and creativity she poured into her work.

In the midst of the storytelling, Nia couldn't help but steal glances at the endearing scene unfolding in the living room. The sight of Naruto's playful interactions with their children filled her heart with warmth, adding an extra layer of inspiration to her writing.

Lost in her literary realm, Nia wove a tale that mirrored the joy and love she experienced in her own life. The characters she crafted shared moments of laughter, familial bonds, and the strength derived from love. Her story mirrored the Uzumaki family's journey, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

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