Chapter 8: Sasuke Meets The Twins

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A/N - Hey guys! So quick update on my mental health. I've been feeling better lately and thankfully, I felt good enough to write this chapter, although it's rather short, but I'm trying to hang in there. I'm still not like officially back but I'll probably still try to get myself to release chapters... PROBABLY!

Also, if you don't know already, I posted yesterday that I'm looking for BETA READERS for my NEW story, BEAUTIFULLY ENOUGH, where a female burn victim finds solace in music and posts a video of her singing online, managing to get a lovely comment from a famous YouTube channel by a cute guy from her school and she decides that she'd like... to find a way to thank him, which possibly leads to...?

Here's the cover:

At age two, Diamond Holmes suffered major burns after having tipped over a pot of boiling hot water on herself

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At age two, Diamond Holmes suffered major burns after having tipped over a pot of boiling hot water on herself. After numerous surgeries, she struggled with her self image due to the scarring and frightened reactions to her from other children. To her, it was as if she were cursed. Through all her struggles, her greatest escape from the pain was music — singing.

One day, she gathers the courage to post her talent online and as she suspected, hate comments begin to flood her video. However, one comment from a popular singing channel catches her eye, complimenting her on her voice, and when she sees their face, she realizes it was from the most popular, handsome boy in her school: Nicholas Carter

Bewildered, she contemplates on what she should do. Reply back? Or maybe... thank him personally?

Is Nicholas as sweet as he appeared online or will her burns scare him away... just like the rest?


I most likely WON'T be posting this story on wattpad which is why I'm looking for beta readers! If you want to read this story right now, which I currently wrote three chapters so far, comment down below or message me in my inbox!

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy


Chapter 8: Sasuke Meets The Twins

Nia stared at herself in the mirror as the babies were asleep in their cribs. She looked hard and long at the reflection staring back at her. She must've been staring for over an hour. Her eyes lacked life in them. She appeared drained.

"Ugly as fuck! Ugly as fuck! Ugly as fuck!"

Words she overheard during the course of her lifetime played on repeat in her head. She took a look at her long nails, the very same nails she used to claw deeply in her skin until it bled when she was younger. She then balled the very same fists she used to beat her face with daily till she was bruised. Though they were mostly healed, Nia gawked at the scarring of her wrists she used to slit in her earlier years.

The girl had been very suicidal back then. She'd never forget how'd she sent herself to the hospital after swallowing two bottles of pills. She'd tried her best to get rid of herself, but somehow, she'd always wake up... clueless as to why she was still alive. Back then, all she wanted was death. All she wanted was to be in peace. She was unable... to escape the darkness that surrounded her life.

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