Chapter 11: Bath Time With The Babies

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A/N - Hey guys! I tried to write this chapter up as soon as I can and luckily for y'all, it's a bit longer than my usual chapters! Alsoooo, I got a NEW, AMAZING fanart I want y'all to see!

A/N - Hey guys! I tried to write this chapter up as soon as I can and luckily for y'all, it's a bit longer than my usual chapters! Alsoooo, I got a NEW, AMAZING fanart I want y'all to see!

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Isn't it GORGEOUS?!! AHHHERGDKKJKK! This probably the BEST one yet 🤣🤣🤣 it's made by the same person as usual: LenaCringe (instagram/deviantart)

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Isn't it GORGEOUS?!! AHHHERGDKKJKK! This probably the BEST one yet 🤣🤣🤣 it's made by the same person as usual: LenaCringe (instagram/deviantart)

What do you think of it?!!

Please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 11: Bath Time With The Babies

"WAAAAH! WAAAAH!" Nisaki cried at the top of her lungs as Nia was trying to help her.

"Nisaki... baby girl, you have to let go of your hair..." Nia was struggling to get Nisaki to stop pulling her own hair.

Nisaki had quite the grip on it. Naruto stood next to Nia, offering to help.

"Daddy said no, beautiful," he cooed. "It's not good to pull on your hair."

"Honeybun, she's a baby. She doesn't know any better."

"Daddy's gonna teach her."

Nisaki continued to whine as Naruto worked on her tiny fingers. He tried his best not to hurt his little girl and eventually was able to free her hair.

"Thank you, Naruto..." Nia smiled as the blond rocked their baby.

"There, there, angel... Daddy's here, daddy's here..."

"This is why we need Nisaki to wear her mittens. Because she has a bad habit of sucking her fingers and even worse, pulling her hair."

"But she can't always be wearing that, beautiful."

"Well, how else are we supposed to get her to stop?"

"Well, Daddy's about to give her a bath. Let me know when Naruta is ready after you feed her," Naruto took Nisaki's clothes off and headed to the bathroom with her.

"Please be careful with her, baby," Nia told him, picking a curious Naruta up in her arms, her legs going into a scrunch as she was lifted.

The baby looked all around.

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