Chapter 6: Drunk Naruto 🥴

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A/N - Hey guys! THIRD chapter in a ROW this WEEK?! Idk how I managed to do that but I did.

Please remember to leave some comments and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 6: Drunk Naruto 🥴

"Haah, finally hooome," Naruto was tipsy as he made it back to the house. "Now where's that damn key?"

He patted himself down till he found it in his pocket. He fumbled with it as he tried to unlock the door, having trouble aiming it in the hole.

"Oh c'mon! I'm putting it in the right spot, ya know!"

His face was red and his vision was spinning around. He kept missing the lock and because he couldn't get it open, he started banging on the door.

"Helloooo!" he yelled. "Whoever is in this house, get the hell out! This is my property, ya know!"

He then hiccuped.

Since he was making a lot of noise, Nia eventually got the door.

"Naruto, hi," she smiled.

"Eh?" Naruto blinked. "Why the hell is there a pretty girl in my house?"


"No, like seriously," he got in her face. "You're like... super pretty! How the hell did a girl like you get in my house?!"

"Naruto, why is your face completely red? And why are you acting so weird?" Nia questioned.

"Don't tell me... you're trying to hook up with me?!" Naruto hiccuped again.


"Well, I got bad news for ya! I have a beautiful girlfriend and she's not gonna be happy that you snuck in my house, ya know! You have to leave."

"Naruto... I am your girlfriend," Nia sweat dropped.

"Huuuh?! Nia?! I was wondering how such a pretty girl got into my house. It was you all along!"

"Yeah, but Uzumaki, what's up with you? You're really-"

"Ah, don't worry about me!" he grinned and stumbled inside.

However, as he was taking his sandals off, he tripped over one and fell over.

"Baby!" Nia rushed to him and dropped to a knee.

She turned him over and sat him up, his eyes were closed and his mouth hanged open.

"Honeybun, what happened to you?"

Seeing him in the state he was in greatly worried her.

Upon further notice, she noticed as he was holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand and that's when it hit her.

He's drunk!

"Naruto... Naruto, wake up!" she patted his cheek.

"Damn, you look so good right now, Nia..." the blond mumbled as he weakly opened his eyes. "You're even WAY hotter than before, ya know."

"Uzumaki... what're you doing with a bottle of alcohol?! Did you drink that whole thing in one sitting?!"

"Ahhhh, who cares... I feel soooo good right now."

Nia frowned and snatched the bottle from his hand. She gasped when she felt it was empty.

"Naruto, why are you drinking?!" she sounded rather angry, yet very worried.

"I see what the hype with alcohol is all about. It does make you feel good. Really, realllllly good," he answered.

"Getting drunk is not good, Naruto!"

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